
Taking the Black Vote for Granted?

Today, the Black Pastors Coalition met.

Christians, in general, are not too happy about the idea of same sex marriage. It goes against their beliefs. It wasn’t that long ago that President Obama professed these same beliefs. The Black Pastors Coalition was excited to endorse this president.

But, times have changed. An election is upcoming. Votes are needed. And suddenly President Obama is quite in favor of same sex marriage. This new policy might rally the far left but has it alienated the Black voters? Maybe.

The Black Pastors Coalition, led by Reverend William Owens, met today. They are very unhappy with a policy that goes against their biblical principles.

They say they are not going to back down on this matter. And they are organizing a national campaign aimed to ‘save the family.’ Rev. Owens was joined at a press conference by five other black pastors who say there are over 3,700 African-American pastors joining together for an anti-Obama campaign.

There is a large portion of the Black voting population who are people of faith. What will be the impact of the coalition’s campaign? Has this president taken the Black vote for granted?

Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch.Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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