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Today’s Woke Democrats Are Simply Trouble Makers

People on the political far left have nothing to offer a population or a nation. All they can do is directly lead a revolution, or as is happening in America today, they just cause trouble and create chaos and try to disrupt our stable, prosperous nation.

One of the most recent sources of trouble initiated by Democrats is the trans-gender thing. Every civilized nation in the world has recognized the need to have separate restrooms for women and men. But here come the woke fools in the Democrat party, insisting that a biological man who thinks he’s a woman be allowed to use the women’s restroom, even though the men’s room is completely available to him, and often a mixed-gender restroom is also available.

But the man who thinks he’s a woman insists that he/she is being discriminated against because women that he wants to urinate along-side-of, don’t want him disrobing and exposing himself in their midst.

And of course, the idiot-woke members of the Democrat party accuse the biological women of causing a conflict, when a concept such as a man being in the ladies’ room was not even conceivable prior to the radical Biden administration. Democrats don’t seem to be able to understand even the most basic and long-standing concepts of proper behavior, and the trans thing proves it. And, of course, when a member of the Democrat party proposes a radical, new idea, the likes of CNN and NYT all stumble over each other to give support and justify the stupid new thing.

Aside from the inflation that Biden and Kamala gave us, probably the longest-lasting trouble Democrats are responsible for is the open border fiasco that is allowing floods and waves of illegal people into our nation, where they cause over-crowding, take jobs from Americans and too often they rape and murder, just like they did back home. It’s not stating the fact sufficiently harshly enough to call this criminal activity “trouble” but it is at the very least, trouble, and too often it’s also murder.

Then we have Democrats waging war-fare on Donald Trump for the sole purpose of getting him to cease running for president by putting him in jail or getting him killed. At the same time that the Democrats are declaring that Trump threatens our democracy, they put up anti-democracy roadblocks to keep him off of numerous state ballots. In the latest election in Pennsylvania, a county Democrat official insisted on counting illegal ballots for one of her U. S. Senate candidates. She agreed that the counting was illegal but she insisted that Supreme Court decisions don’t need to be followed, and she allowed the illegal counting to continue until the Pennsylvania Court stepped in and demanded she stop. Maybe it’s the Democrats who are a threat to Democracy and not Trump. They just make trouble everywhere they go, and this new state of chaos is only related to Democrats.

Additionally, Democrats cause trouble in U.S. government agencies where bureaucrats simply make up rules and regulations that the legislatures that established the agencies and their policies never intended, which causes hardships for companies who have unfair and unreasonable regulations to obey, thereby undermining their ability to make a profit, and making their product more expensive for consumers. One hopes that President Donald Trump is able to get rid of all of these bureaucrats and allow business owners to stay in business while allowing consumers to buy less-expensive good.

There is nothing the Democrats have done these last three-plus years that has not caused trouble and injury to American citizens, and we must continue to rid ourselves of this plague starting in each future election year.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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