
America In The Age Of Stupidity: It’s Time To Stop Making Fun Of Joe Biden

After last week’s debate, it’s obvious that Joe Biden is mentally sick, and I don’t think it’s right to make fun of old people with dementia.

Throughout history, we have gone through different ages, The Ice Age, The Gilded Age, and The Industrial Age. Now We Are Living In The Stupid Age, Where Reality, Truth, And Common Sense Don’t Exist.

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  1. Sorry. Biden is a a public figure, the public figure.

    There nothing wrong having open season on all the Bidens.

    Jokes, ridicule, insults and admonition are not only acceptable but required.

  2. Joe put himself in this position when he was aware enough to know and when he was still aware enough to realize he was coming down with dementia he continued. His greed was stronger than his common sense. That is the definition of stupidity!

    He is fair game. He did it to himself and even if his junta surrounding him kept at it. They deserve what they made. A Frankenbiden!

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