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The Expected Consequences of the Democrat-Media Hate Trump Campaign

I have thought a lot about blowing up the White House

Celebrity Madonna upon the election of Donald Trump in 2016

James Carville: [W]e got your back, dude [Biden]. We are going after [Trump] with a meat cleaver?  A rhetorical meat cleaver … You cannot let him up. You can’t normalize him, you can’t let him off the canvas, not for one second. … We … get to do what we got to do. … We have to keep the foot on [Trump], right on his neck, take our heel, and twist it. Never let it up.

Jen Psaki: Take your heel and twist it.

Democrat Strategist James Carville and former Biden WH Spokesperson Jen Psaki, Jan. 29, 2024

Joe [Biden], you’re a reasonable man.  You don’t want to do this. But here’s the reality: This is a fucking war.  … [W]e are fighting for our fucking country.  These assholes are going to take it away. … Thank you, [SCOTUS Justice] Clarence ‘Uncle’ Thomas. Joe, you now have the right to take that bitch Trump out. Take him out, Joe.  If he was Hitler, and this was 1940, would you take him out? Well, he is Hitler. And this is 1940. Take him the fuck out! Blow him up!

Actress Lea DeLaria, The Hollywood Reporter, July 2, 2024

It is just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy.  He has to … be eliminated, …

Democrat Dan Goldman (NY 10th District), Nov. 2023

[I am] done talking about [my disastrous presidential debate].  … I have one job, … to beat Donald Trump. … [W]e’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.

Democrat President Joe Biden, July 8, 2024 

The Party that called Trump “Hitler” for 8 years shocked that somebody tried to assassinate him.

Babylon Bee headline, no longer satire about today’s Democrat Party, July 13, 2024

The assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump … was not nearly as surprising as it should have been. For months, politicians, the press and pundits have escalated reckless rhetoric … claims that Trump [will] kill democracy, unleash “death squads”, make homosexuals and reporters “disappear”. While most people reject the hyperbolic claims, others …  on ABC’s “The View” or … MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow [believe it]. President Biden has stoked this rage rhetoric. In 2022, Biden … denounced Trump supporters as enemies of the people. Biden recently referenced [that] speech and has [claimed 2024] could be our last democratic election. … As soon as Trump was elected, unhinged rage became the norm with Kathy Griffin [displaying] the bloody severed head of Trump. 

GWU Law Professor, Jonathan Turley, July 13, 2024

Until more details are available, it’s best to be cautious about offering commentary about the terrible shooting at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally. But … his reaction was remarkable.  Trump was speaking when gunshots [were] heard. [H]e grabbed his right ear and ducked. Secret Service agents rushed onstage, helped him to his feet, and prepared to usher him away … But Trump, with blood flowing from his ear down the side of his face, could be heard saying, “Wait! Wait! Wait!” He then started defiantly pumping his fist at the crowd and mouthing what looked like, “Fight!” The shocked and scared crowd began chanting “U-S-A!” as he walked off stage.  That literally a minute after being shot, he still had the instincts to rile up the crowd, projecting strength and defiance, is simply remarkable.

Philip Klein, National Review, July 13, 2024

I believe Donald Trump genuinely loves this country, not just himself, as his detractors say.

Former Foxnews Presenter and Trump critic Megyn Kelly (University of Buffalo J.D.) just after Trump assassination attempt, July 13, 2024

I [salute] President Trump’s courage at walking off with the bleeding, putting up his fist and saying “Fight!” to remind the crowd that he is going to go on as our champion wants us to go on with him.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, remarks after Trump assassination attempt, July 13 2024

We live by the great words of [Revolutionary War hero] Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death!”

Donald Trump, May 26, 2024

After years of hateful rhetoric, hoaxes, lies, smears, absurd legal suits and indictments that have been pilloried by the top legal minds, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, GWU Law Professor Jonathan Turley, Yale Law Professor Eric Rubenfeld, CNN Legal Analyst, Harvard J.D. Eli Honig, and many others, directed against Donald Trump, a “mostly peaceful” Trump hater has finally shot Donald Trump, wounding him in the face, killing an innocent bystander and wounding several others.  Had the bullet(s) been an inch to the left Trump would probably be either dead now or on an operating table.

Naturally, after such a shooting, one would expect the nation to come together, as it did after the Kennedy assassination, to pray for Trump and the other victims in Pennsylvania.  Unfortunately, raw hatred does not make for clear thinking, empathy or basic human decency.  Joe Biden recited the standard script for such occasions saying, “There is no place for this kind of violence in America.”  He did not, however, apologize for saying recently that it is time to put a bullseye on Trump’s back.   Had Biden had the wisdom to make that apology it would have actually made him look better, but apologies are not on the cards in todays deliberately created political hostility. 

CNN’s Jamie Gangel, said Trump was “sending the wrong message” when he stood up with blood on his face and said “Fight!” and past Trump critic CBS anchor Margret Brennan chided Trump for not taking the opportunity to “lower the temperature”.  Wait! Trump was just shot in the face and is still bleeding and it’s up to him to lower the temperature?  Skynews (Australia) does an excellent job of exposing the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of what passes for our “mainstream” “news” media’s coverage of the attempted Trump assassination. There are currently remarks all over social media that Trump deserved it, that no one cares about the assassination attempt, even that Melanie probably ordered the hit.  More important, this hatred has been deliberately fomented by the Left.

There are reports that communist Cuba born comrade Alejandro Mayorkas (Great choice to protect the homeland Joe), who has presided over the influx of millions of illegal aliens, including criminals such as child rapists and murderers and tons of deadly drugs that kill hundreds of thousands of Americans every year into the US, has refused Trump extra Secret Service protection.  Democrats have even tried to strip Trump’s Secret Service protection.   Do they want him dead?

Mayorkas has also denied RFK, Jr., whose father Robert (RFK) and uncle John (JFK) were both assassinated, any Secret Service protection.  Comrade Garland also refused to protect SCOTUS Judge Kavanaugh after real threats and an attempted assassin showed up in his neighbourhood.  And they say that Trump is the dangerous one that has ignored norms and traditions, because of his allegedly mean words?  

In fact, the Left (the Democrats) have literally become unhinged since the Trump victory in 2016.  Newt Gingrich: “These people are crazy!”

The Trump haters have called him many names, except the one that actually fits him.


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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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One Comment

  1. I had just finished joining Alex Jones and three other commentators on Infowars in prayer for Trump and our country when I received this article in my emails. Jones pointed out that nobody has denounced this shooting. I am weeping as I pray and plead with the Lord for Trump and for our decadent country. Have mercy on us dear God. In the name of Jesus Christ protect us from the escalating vitriol of the globalist and Democrat haters so willing to idiotically describe Trump as a second Hitler. I pray the Secret Service will review its strategies for protecting the President or former President. Help us overcome demonic plots and plans to keep DJT from the Oval Office. Mount a spiritual attack by angelic hosts against Trump Derangement Syndrome. In Jesus’ mighty and precious name I pray. Amen!

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