
Figure it Out Democrats: Many Black Civil Rights Icons Support Trump

I am the Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Listen to my words … President Trump is not a racist!! He is one of the best presidents America has ever seen! I fully support him!

Dr. Alveda King, niece to the assassinated Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

[Legendary Cleveland Browns running back] Jim Brown is getting lambasted for the same thing the black community used to praise him for: defiant action to uplift African-Americans, by any means necessary. … Brown [said] that Trump is not a racist [and that] people should not kneel during the national anthem, although he has supported Colin Kaepernick’s message and goals.

Andscape, Oct. 16, 2016

[W]hen my dad [Jim Brown] went to go meet with the president-elect [Donald Trump], that really opened up my eyes.  I stayed neutral for about a year [but] after that … I [became] a Trump supporter because I saw the moves that [he] was making.  Within the first 100 days, he gave us our religious rights with an executive order.  I saw that he was defunding Planned Parenthood, the No. 1 killer of Black lives.  He created the First Step Act, signed that in for prison reform. My father consulted on the First Step Act. School choice, record-breaking HBCU [Historically Black Colleges and Universities] funding, so I saw that Trump was doing a lot for Black people.

Kimberly Brown, daughter of legendary black running back Jim Brown and herself a professional athlete and football player, Nov. 2, 2024

Our southern border is our most pressing security threat [to the country]; Biden and Harris have made it dramatically worse.  Their debacle in Afghanistan not only created a new terrorist state; it also signalled weakness that sparked Russia’s war against Ukraine. … I don’t agree with Trump 100% of the time.  But I do agree with him most of the time.  I disagree with Ms. Harris nearly all the time. That makes [Trump support] an easy call.

Former governor of South Carolina, former US Ambassador to the United Nations, “woman of colour” Indian-American Nikki Haley, Nov. 3, 2024

One of the reasons I left the Democrat Party [is that] there is a mindset [three] that black Americans need help, need special attention.  I want the same thing you want.  I want a secure border. I will get that from Trump.  I want law and order. I will get that from Trump.  I want universal school choice. I will get that from Trump.  We want liberty [and] justice [like everyone else].  What is most offensive is that Democrats want people to vote for Kamala Harris based upon skin color, not on policies, not on procedures but on skin color.  … That’s why I am voting for Trump. 

Former Democrat Hillary Clinton supporter black civil rights lawyer Leo Terrell (UCLA J.D.), July 29, 2024

One of the storylines the Democrat “News”-media Colluders (hereafter the DNC) cobbled together from their standard playbook is that Donald Trump is a racist, a white supremacist and a NAZI.   One must report that this is the standard DNC playbook because the DNC almost always calls the Republican presidential nominee these same names.   They have called virtually every Republican candidate, from Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush to weakling RINOs like John McCain, Mitt Romney and Nikki Haley, Hitler.  That is, they don’t bother, heaven forbid, to look at the actual facts on the ground.  They just open up the standard playbook and start calling the Republican presidents racists, sexists, homophobes, white supremacists, NAZI’s and the like.

That does not, of course, prevent the DNC from quoting (or misquoting) these racists, sexists, homophobes, white supremacists, and Nazis whenever it suits their present pursuit of power.  For example, Bill Clinton credited Ronald Reagan with the fall of communism.  He had a cordial talk and a good laugh with Reagan where he accepted a jar of jelly beans from Reagan. The Messiah Himself Barak Obama quoted (or misquoted) the (alleged) racist white supremacist fascist sexist NAZI many times, on gun control, on taxes, on the debt ceiling, on the campaign trail, and to religious leaders.   Joe Biden, in a rare lucid moment, went to the same spot on the cliffs at Normandy where Ronald Reagan praised the “boys of Pointe du Hoc” (the men who accomplished the “almost unthinkable feat” of taking the NAZI’s heavily fortified the cliffs” at Normandy) in the Allies war to defeat “Nazi Germany’s tyranny” in the 2nd world war.  Wait! Reagan praised the defeat of NAZI Germany but is himself a NAZI?  And Joe Biden “channels” Reagan’s speech praising the defeat of NAZI German even though he, Reagan, is himself a NAZI?  Is this a joke?

In fact, that is exactly what it is.  The DNC’s cynical standard playbook to call their opponents, not just the politicians but the American people who support them, all the vile names they can think of, as Hillary did in her infamous statement that “You could put half of Trump’s supporters in what I call the ‘basket of deplorables’.  [They’re] racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”.   In fact, one should listen to Hillary’s tone of voice, as she mindlessly, citing no evidence whatsoever, reads these smears off a list, as she insults half the American electorate. 

It is instructive how easily and naturally the “Party of Inclusion” cruelly insults people they have never met if those people support a different candidate.  Wait!  Isn’t that discrimination?  Isn’t that what the Democrat Party pretends passionately to oppose?

In the case at hand, Donald Trump, there is no attempt whatsoever to deal with the reasons why there is a rising tide of black and minority voters who are leaving the Democrat Party (except of course with the (alleged) Messiah, Barak Obama, left his massive carbon footprint mansion in his Venezuelan-free white neighbourhood of Martha’s Vineyard to instruct His peasants not to do so), first because it has failed the black community, and because of its intolerance and “cruelty” towards people who get in their way.  Isn’t that how fascists treat people?   Doesn’t the Democrat Party generally pretend to oppose fascism?

If the DNC wants to accuse Trump of racism, fascism, white supremacy fairly, without displaying their own prejudices and agendas, they need rationally to address the long list of iconic black Americans, including Martin Luther King’s niece, Dr. Alveda King, legendary running back Jim Brown, his athlete activist daughter, Kimberly Brown, former Democrat civil rights lawyer Leo Terrell and many others that support Trump.   However, it does not do so.   It is much easier, requiring no intelligence whatsoever, to call people names than it is to reason with them.  That is, therefore, the perfect strategy for the DNC.

Unfortunately, name-calling does not do anything to solve the problems of black communities.  It does nothing to repair the failing schools in Democrat-run cities that doom whole generations of black youth to difficult unrewarding lives or to bring down the high rates of black-on-black violence in those communities.   Solving problems is not, however, the Democrat’s forte.  Their sole obsessive interest, rather, is in getting themselves re-elected to keep themselves in money and power, something for which they will say and do anything. 

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

Published by
Richard McDonough

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