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Facebook Still Censoring Conservatives

Democrats Love Censorship Because They Know They’d Lose Without It … Biden scolded Big Tech for [removing] ‘fact-checkers,’ a reminder that Democrats need censorship to stay in power. … Apparently Biden or his Democrat handlers are most concerned about “abuse of power” coming from average people who contradict the regime’s favoured narratives. They have shown actual enthusiasm for abuses of power, weaponizing the DOJ, flooding  illegals into the nation and using Biden’s beloved “fact-checkers” to police speech.

The Federalist, Jan. 16, 2025

Tim Miller … called out Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg for not taking “responsibility” after criticizing his own platform’s fact-checkers as being “too politically biased.”

Conservative Daily News, Jan. 8, 2025

Despite the fact that Mark Zuckerberg has, allegedly, suddenly acquired a basic 11th grade understanding of the 1st Amendment (constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression) and admitted that Facebook (Meta) made many mistakes, rooted in political bias, censoring content in the past, Facebook is still censoring conservatives.  First, however, a bit of history.

I was kicked off Facebook several years ago for no good reason and published an article, which I posted at the time on Zuckerberg’s Twitter page, inviting him (or his FB servants) to meet me online, in public, to explain precisely what my offences were because I am certain I had done nothing improper.  Needless to say, I did not expect His Majesty to reply but it was important to make the offer.

As a consequence, a compatriot made a Facebook account to keep touch with friends and explore certain cultural interests.  However, she recently posted conservative articles on certain Facebook media pages, CNN, etc., that still allow demonstrably false anti-Trump content.   I was present when she posted a comment refuting a Facebook post that accused Trump of being a convicted rapist.  She pointed out that Georgie Stephanopoulos and ABC “News” recently had to apologize and pay Trump $15 million dollars for the false claim that he is a convicted rapist.  She added a conservative article, quoting numerous liberal distinguished legal scholars, that shows that the NY conviction of Trump is a joke.  The next day she found her FB page blocked because she was “misusing” the platform.   She also posted articles on various media pages from The Federalist, Human Events, Conservative Daily News, National Review and the like.  What, precisely, is the “misuse”?   The offer still stands for Zuck or one of his servants to look up the details of the case and meet me online, in public, to explain precisely what my older violations and her new “misuses” of FB are.  The meeting has to be in public because I have no desire to play children’s games with these people in the dark.  I don’t expect anyone from FB to take me up on this offer since, I opine, these people cannot defend their actions.

Compare what is posted on FB right now that is, unlike reason-based conservative articles, somehow acceptable.  The following posts were discovered on FB today in a few minutes (I do not correct the 2nd grade spelling, grammar or venomous unhinged hysteria in many of these posts but simply cut and paste them exactly as they are).

  • This is the Anti-Christ. Amazing people voted for 34 convicted Felon. A convicted Rapist.
  • You gave a rapist, felon, and conman his entire life the nuclear codes and permission to do whatever the hell he wants.
  • Now with greasy felon racist rapist trump it’s about to be catastrophically worse.
  • He’s not even President and he’s already scamming Americans. … But America voted for this racist rapist treasonous criminal fraud convicted felon
  • DONALD TRUMP FROM A TO Z: Arrogant, Amoral, Authoritarian … Cheater, Convict, Cruel … Deranged, Dictator, Dishonest, … Felon, …. Greedy … Hostile, Heartless … Incompetent, Immoral, Insane, Idiot, Ignorant, Insensitive, Irreverent … Jealous, Jackass … Liar, Loathsome … Manipulative, Malicious, Materialistic … Predator, Pompous, … Racist … Selfish, Senile, Temperamental, Traitor … Unfit, Unqualified, Unstable, Uncooperative … Vain, Vapid, Vindictive … Whiny … Xanthous … Yappy, Yawn-worthy … Zero Appeal. THESE ARE THE QUALITIES AMERICA WANTS IN ITS PRESIDENT!
  • Maybe [reversing the Tik-Tok ban] will make up for the fact that he’s literally a convicted felon, misogynist, racist, white-nationalist, Nazi sympathizing, Russian-puppetted r*pist.
  • This Sociopathic Narcissist, Racist, Serial Sexual Assaulter/Rapist Felon Insurrectionist Traitor Trump posted his hateful, insane rants 40 times CHRISTMAS DAY… DonOld’s jealous Baby Jesus getting more attention than him!
  • Donnie Swaggart backs Trump, a corrupt, evil, lying, adulterer and narcissistic insurrectionist 34-time convicted felon.
  • Donald Trump is a racist, homophobe, grifter, threat to this country felon.
  • Trump is a convicted felon racist, misogynistic fascist.  His greatest asset is Elon Musk, narcissistic man-child known to lie for profit, illegally disrupt the market and commit fraud. Voting for racist fascists makes you a racist fascist.
  • Can’t think of anything less normal than our country placing an adjudicated rapist, 34-count felon, insurrectionist, election denier, racist, mega-mysoginist, sociopathic narcissist as President!!
  • Besides being a convicted felon, rapist, insurrectionist, misogynist, racist, fascist, narcissistic, lying megalomaniac, Donald TRump is one of the most ignorant people to be in … leadership ANYWHERE, EVER!
  • I’m done with Black performers that performs at the racist, felon, sex offender that says he would sleep with his daughter Inarguation!!  All you [blacks] want is money. … If ya’ll want to SELL OUT go ahead. … SCREW ELON AND HIS VICE PRESIDENT, TRUMP and you if you disagree with me!!

These people are projecting their own authoritarian sins on others (“SCREW … you if you disagree with me!!”).   Apparently, reasoned articles from conservative magazines by people who actually know something is far worse than the sort of venomous hatred and demonstrable falsehoods quoted above that is, apparently, fine with FB censors.

And doesn’t Facebook pretend to prohibit hate-speech?

That kind of unhinged hate and falsehoods could not exist unless it is supported by a hateful Democrat Party and “news” media.   For example, the New York Times, a few days after Jan. 6th, reported that Officer Brian Sicknick was killed after being struck with a fire extinguisher by the mob on Jan. 6th.  Bill Maher casually repeated this demonstrable falsehood in May 2024 to Megyn Kelly, never having bothered to find the truth.  In fact, no police officers were killed by the mob that day.  None!  The coroner recorded Sicknick’s death that took place several days later as due to “natural causes” (a heart attack).  The only person killed that day was a diminutive female Trump supporter named Ashley Babbit shot in the neck by a Capitol Police Officer, not that the Democrats or “news” media care.  And there was no “insurrection” on Jan. 6th, another Democrat-media hoax.  If I’m wrong, please tell us who from Jan. 6th has been convicted or even charged with insurrection! N

Campaigning by fomenting hate is obviously incredibly reckless and dangerous for our nation but, apparently, the frightened children at Facebook still fear reasoned conservative articles more than they fear cynical deliberately orchestrated political hatred of one’s fellow citizens.     

Zuckerberg needs to stop playing kissy-face with Trump and get serious about eliminating censorship at Facebook.

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Richard McDonough

Richard Michael McDonough, American philosophy educator. Achievements include production of original interpretation of Wittgenstein’s logical-metaphysical system, original application Kantian Copernican Revolution to philosophy of language; significant interdisciplinary work logic, linguistics, psychology & philosophy. Member Australasian Debating Federation (honorary life, adjudicator since 1991), Phi Kappa Phi.

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