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This is how cloud telephony can help you grow your global business

Cloud telephony has been the talk of the town of late. Its benefits are so ubiquitous and diverse that you can’t turn a blind eye towards it.   Whether you are a greenhorn start-up or an industry marvel, cloud telephony has all the powers to leverage your business at every level. Even Microsoft has recognized its potential and referred to as one of the four leading technologies changing the face of the global business world. 

The degree up to which cloud telephony has impacted the growth of the global business is far-flung and noteworthy. By reducing the operational and set-up cost, it ensures that no global business’s growth should be hampered just because of investment chunk. This facility forced businesses expanding all over the world to adopt cloud telephony without any qualms. 

If you are also a global business and have doubts about the viability of cloud telephony in your ecosystem, then read this and understand how you can re-define success with cloud telephony. 

  • No more hindered presence just because of the investment chunk

Almost every global business has to deal with insufficient funds at any point in time. In fact, half of the businesses fail to complete five years just because of the lack of proper funds. Using cloud telephony is what saves you from going bankrupt due to your need for a responsive and feature-rich telecommunication system for your global business. 

You can own an international phone number of your targeted country and operate it from anywhere without investing a hefty amount on set-up, maintenance, and call incurring charges.

For example, if you are going to expand your business in Brazil, then having a cloud-based Brazil phone number is the best thing that you can do to cut down the telephony set-up cost. It can be operated from anywhere using the cloud-based deployment. As the data will be saved at a centralized place, your team will always have access to customer information. You can also get the local number with specific area codes to ensure a local presence at the global level. 

  • Operation control and monitoring like never before

Taking tabs on operations of your global business is more than important as any flaw can create horrendous issues. However, doing so is very difficult for a business wherein a lot of roaming and off-site team operations are involved. Well, cloud telephony helps you in this as well. Many features ensure you never miss any detail, even if you are not around the operations.

With features like call logs, call recording, call monitoring, and call analysis, cloud telephony ensures that not a single detail goes unnoticed from your eyes. 

  • Connecting with the right buyers on time

While running a global business from a remote location, different time-zone is always an issue. Your customers sitting in Australia must be enjoying their evening tea while your team positioned in Asia must be getting ready to kick start their day. In that case, having the right knowledge of calling time is more than important as the right call at the wrong time will bring no result for you. 

Cloud telephony has a solution to offer you for this as well. Some of the leading Australian phone number providers offer the “Global Connect” feature that informs your agents, sitting in Asia, about the live timings.  Hence, you can find out when your call won’t bother the customer. This further increases your call output as the customer will be attentive towards your call rather than being annoyed.

  • Superior and comprehensive communication

Global audiences may have different contrasting behavior. Some may like to make a call while others prefer contacting a business via voicemail. It also varies as per the age group. Young buyers are tech-savvy enough to contact you via voicemail and chatbots, while the older customer group prefers making a phone call over any other available option. 

So, if you really want to grow globally as a business, you must target the audiences as per their taste and way.   With cloud telephony, you get a unified communication facility at your disposal that allows you to build a communication platform that can handle all types of communication.

For example, your Brazil phone number can attend the calls & voicemail, can send SMS updates, and build a chatbot for your business website.  Keeping forward the same ease at communication, it can also let you arrange the video conferences from a remote location.

The Final word

Growing at a global level is not easy. It takes a lot to establish a global business. You need to target the audiences as per their taste, ensure that you never deal with investment crunch while making no compromise on service delivery, and monitor the operations closely. Cloud telephony is the only tool that makes this happen easily. It attributes to your success without even putting a hefty capital investment burden.

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