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Conservative Books Being Banned is Dangerous

n a largely ignored report, Just the News reported that Amazon was labeling conservative books as hate speech and banning them from the platform. According to the report, there was no hate speech clause in the archives of Amazon’s policies until recently indicating that the company has decided to take action specifically against conservative books.

The move comes at a time when much conservative content has been labeled as “hate speech” when it is simply an alternate viewpoint. As one social media post shared, any book could be viewed as offensive to someone. Other users called out the dishonest move by the company, sharing other books on the platform that are filled with inappropriate content and hate from different viewpoints.

Yet, the company does not seem interested in listening. They are deleting books from conservative authors and those who may oppose things like the transgender movement.

One author, Abigail Shrier, shared her viewpoint and it’s true. Amazon controls the overwhelming majority of the market for books. To take such action begins to delete conservative ideas from society. It makes those books essentially disappear for all readers.

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But this is the “world’s largest bookseller.” Amazon can basically make books disappear for *all readers* — and does so on a blatantly dishonest basis. Under guise of removing “inappropriate” content, they will really be removing ideas they disfavor./6

Several Republican Senators responded to the move recently by sending Jeff Bezos a letter asking for an understanding of why the book was removed. The company has continued to hide behind it’s “hate speech” policy, but opposing the transgender movement is not necessarily hate speech. It would be one thing if the book was sharing that everyone should be violent toward transgenders, but instead the book was an educational book to understand the fallacy of believing in such nonsense.

Many on the Left will support and praise the move by Amazon. They will say that the action is warranted and cite events in January, Donald Trump, and the questions about the election as reasons for the move. Not one single point made is any logical or rational reason to block conservative ideas from society.

The only explanation is the continued push to remove conservative ideas from society. The Left has made no secrets about how they want to eliminate conservatives and this is just another means to do so.

Banning conservative books on Amazon will create two issues. One is that conservatives will be forced to seek book publishers that are willing to take the risk to publish their book without access to a large portion of the market. Another is that conservative authors may not be able to access the publisher market at all, creating a demand for an alternative to the mainstream book market.

Which seems to be what the Left is wanting. Through their actions, they seem to be more interested in creating two separate economies across the country with their divisive narrative. They simply do not want conservatives to exist in their world at all.

Content syndicated from with permission.

Jared Dyson

Jared Dyson is the Editor-in-Chief at The Liberty Loft and host of The Jared Dyson Show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn, Pandora, or iHeart Radio. 

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