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Whittney Williams: Former Illegal Immigrant, Now Pro-Trump Supporter Running for Congress

Whittney Williams announced her goals to run for Michigan’s 11th Congressional District in 2020. This pro-Trump Republican is stirring things up and is capturing hearts with her unique story of going from an illegal immigrant to now calling for border security.

She announced in a tweet, “I am excited to officially announce I am running for Congress in Michigan’s 11th Congressional District because I love our country, believe in the American Dream, and want to fight back against the radical left’s socialist agenda!”

Williams is facing off with Democrat Rep. Haley Stevens in Michigan’s 11th Congressional District. Stevens has lashed out at President Trump accusing him of “racist rhetoric” and has voted yes on a $15 federal minimum wage. Last year, Steven flipped a Republican seat, and Williams intends to take it back.

Williams has an interesting background and is a first-generation immigrant from Taiwan. When she was ten years old, she came to the United States, where she did not speak any English. Her family overstayed their tourist visas, and for the next 16 years, Williams lived in the shadows as an illegal immigrant. She eventually became a United States citizen at the time she married her now-husband.


Throughout her journey, her love for the United States was created along with her belief in the American dream. She is also critical of politicians’ motives when it comes to using “Dreamers” as a political manipulation tactic. She points out that some politicians use immigrants as political props for their own personal gains and agendas.

In a campaign video, Williams relayed she believed career politicians do not solve problems, such as immigration, at everyone else’s expense.

Williams also has a very intriguing and unique past resume. According to her site’s bio, she has vast experience in the automotive industry. Her other wide-ranging talents include a background in modeling and acting.

The issues Williams is aiming to lead on will become more detailed as her campaign continues. As of now, her platform consists of pro-life viewpoints, pro-Second Amendment stances, the improvement or modernization of the United States’ immigration system, and pro-energy independence.

She also seems to have a passion for continuing President Trump’s run of providing an excellent economy while rejecting the ever-growing notion of socialist practices.

As an immigrant herself, the now 37-year-old believes a merit-based immigration system would be the best bet and having a border wall is crucial. A critic of the open border philosophy, Williams believes that it is only impending our country if we do not secure our borders.

When it comes to the proudest day of her life, this grateful American said it was when she became an American citizen.

What Williams is portraying with her goals for the country is a stark contrast to some other women who are already in Congress.

We see four congresswomen, known as The Squad, stunt for open borders, bash the Second Amendment, advocate for abortion, and show a willingness to devalue America into a socialistic society.

Instead of embracing American principles, such as Williams does, the Squad adamantly fights against Constitutional values. They use left-wing extremes to reject what America was founded on.

One of the most vocal members of The Squad, Ilhan Omar, is also an immigrant. But unlike Williams, she has been increasingly critical of the country that allowed her to call it home.

Perhaps the most significant difference between the two women is their stances towards President Trump. Williams has made it clear she is a fan and supporter of the president and his goals to bettering our country. She even wants to work off his legacy if she is elected into Congress.

On the other hand, we have the members of the Squad who are continually smearing President Trump of racism and bigotry. Their repeated unfounded accusations against their country’s president is a common theme with their rhetoric.

Williams holds a Bachelor’s degree in Ballet Performance from the University of Utah. She went on to obtain a Master’s degree in Strategic Communications where she emphasized in Public Relations from Purdue University.

If Whittney Williams wins a seat in 2020, it could come as a refreshing upset for the 2020 Congressional elections. Her unique immigration experience could lend well to her being able to enact real change in the United States’ immigration system. Her story serves as a prime example of the American dream and how it is possible.

Her love for the country and determination to continue American principles is a central theme of her campaign which could aid her well for congressional victory.

Originally published at Patriots Of The Lord. 


Amalia White

Amalia is a millennial on a mission. She is a passionate free speech supporter and wants to produce articles that make people evaluate what they believe and why they believe it. https://patriotsofthelord.com/author/amaliawhite/ Twitter: @AmaliaWhite Blog: amaliawhite.com

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