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U.S. Postal Service Will Keep Saturday Delivery

The U.S. Postal Service will continue to be delivered on Saturday’s due to Congressional action.

In recent months the U.S. Postal Service had announced plans to stop delivering mail on Saturday, but legislators had included language in a recent continuing resolution preventing implementation of the cost saving plan.

In an official announcement today, the postal service said “although disappointed with this Congressional action, the Board will follow the law and has directed the Postal Service to delay implementation of its new delivery schedule until legislation is passed that provides the Postal Service with the authority to implement a financially appropriate and responsible delivery schedule. The Board believes that Congress has left it with no choice but to delay this implementation at this time.”

The reduced schedule was expected to save $2 billion per year and was an important part of a five year plan to return the service to profitability.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. It seems that USPS was(is) trying to hang on to the other end of the crying towel that AmTrac has been waving for ages. {boohoo, hep me,and money} “It’s not our fault that we have lousy management and/or corruption.”…And why not get a piece of the taxpayer pie that Freddy & Fannie et al have been gobbling for years?….Who can blame them? This is the ‘new normal’ American way. Now, not blaming does NOT translate to ‘funding’. When this 1st came up I was talking to a postal worker that said ‘they’ were told not to worry, it wasn’t going to happen “. Wonder what that meant? Does it justify rate increases?

  2. yes sir, have to keep all of those NALC, APWU, etc happy. Keep service on Saturday for what, to have that urgent sale flier?

    USPS needs to gut its management; it averages 1 manager per 7 employees, the competition 1 to 15-20. There are no layoff clauses in the various service line contracts so thousands of employees get paid to show up at “work” and do nothing. USPS uses technology that is outdated–try getting realtime tracking of a package; and makes excuses up the wahzoo when parcels are late/delayed/lost.

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