freedom of religion

Left Melts Down On Cable News And Social Media Over Supreme Court Ruling On Religious Schools

Liberals criticized the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling that Maine could not prohibit parents from using vouchers to pay for religious…

3 years ago

Photographer Appeals Court Ruling Forcing Her To Photograph Same-Sex Weddings

A New York photographer is appealing a federal court ruling that would force her to provide her services for same-sex…

3 years ago

New York Can Force Photographer To Take Pictures At Same-Sex Weddings, Court Rules |

A federal district court ruled that the state of New York can force a photographer to take pictures depicting same-sex…

3 years ago

Colorado Web Designer Loses Same-Sex Wedding Website Case

A U.S. appeals court ruled against a Colorado web designer’s refusal to make a marriage website for a same-sex couple,…

4 years ago

Supreme Court Will Hear Case On Law Excluding Religious Schools From State Funding

The Supreme Court decided Friday to hear a case regarding a Maine Department of Education law excluding religious schools from…

4 years ago

‘It’s A Basic Argument’: Colorado Baker’s Lawyer Reaffirms Plan To Appeal Court Ruling

Colorado baker Jack Phillips’ lawyer reaffirmed plans to appeal a Tuesday district court ruling which said he had violated the…

4 years ago

Supreme Court Unanimously Sides With Catholic Adoption Agency In Religious Freedom Case

The United States Supreme Court has unanimously sided with a Catholic adoption agency in a religious freedom case regarding same…

4 years ago

CRAZY: Federal Judge Sides With Biden, Rules Christian College Must Allow Biological Men To Share Showers With Women

A federal judge ruled Wednesday that students of the opposite biological sex must be allowed to share shower spaces and…

4 years ago

Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski Arrested for Holding Church Service, Similar Unlawful Arrests Continue in America

A video posted Saturday showed the arrest of Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother Dawid Pawlowski after holding church service…

4 years ago

Courageous Canadian Pastor Continues to Faceoff with Gestapo

“The enemy doesn’t want you to have any future, any rights, any means to support yourself and to resist the…

4 years ago

ADF Files Motion To Intervene In ‘Radical’ Lawsuit Attacking Religious Schools

The Alliance Defending Freedom has filed a motion to intervene in a “radical” lawsuit attacking the religious freedom of both…

4 years ago

Supreme Court Sides With Christian Student In College Free Speech Case

The Supreme Court ruled in an 8-1 decision Monday that a Georgia college’s speech code policy violated the First Amendment…

4 years ago

Oklahoma House Passes Bill That Would Prohibit Closing Places Of Worship In 80-18 Vote

The Oklahoma House overwhelmingly passed a bill Wednesday that would ban the government from closing churches and places of worship…

4 years ago

Supreme Court Hears Key College Free Speech, Religious Liberty Case

In 2016, Chike Uzuegbunam, a former Georgia Gwinnett College student, was told that if he wanted to share his faith…

4 years ago

DC Mayor Backs Down Following Catholic Church Lawsuit, Eases Restrictions On Churches Ahead Of Christmas

Democratic DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has eased coronavirus restrictions on houses of worship following a lawsuit by the Catholic Church…

4 years ago