In The News

Outrageous! New York Subway Hammer Attacker Had Long Criminal History [VIDEO]

The Blue State Conservative

Last Tuesday, a 29-year-old Asian man was attacked on a New York City subway with the assailant striking him in the head with a hammer. The victim is reportedly in stable condition, and thanks to the NYPD the suspected perpetrator has been arrested and is being held on $300,000 bail. But when we consider the criminal history of the alleged attacker, we are assured that the streets of New York are anything but safe. Watch the video here:

The suspect, a man named Christian Jeffers who reportedly identifies as a woman, had been arrested a total of 47 times prior to this incident. He has now been charged with first-degree assault as a hate crime, resulting from the racial slurs he allegedly shouted during the incident and later during his arrest.


According to police, Jeffers also issued the following threat to officers as he was being arrested, “By the time I get out of prison, first thing I’m going to do is get a gun and try to kill as many of you as possible.” Mr. Jeffers sounds like a delightful person.

This episode with Jeffers is just the most recent in a disturbing pattern of hate crimes in the Big Apple against Asians being committed by individuals with long criminal records. In January, a woman named Michelle Alyssa Go was killed by a man named Simon Martial who’d been arrested ten times previously and who allegedly shoved Go in front of an oncoming train. Last month, another Asian woman named Christina Yuna Lee was murdered in her NYC Chinatown apartment by a homeless man with three active criminal cases against him.

In a city the size of New York, the largest in the country, such crime and tragedies are almost impossible to eliminate completely. But the lawless streets of New York in the 1970s, as depicted in movies such as Taxi Driver and The French Connection, had been corrected by the tremendous efforts of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani followed by Mayor Mike Bloomberg, who fortunately had the good sense to keep Giuliani’s policies in place.

But New York City in 2022 – under Mayor Eric Adams who is governing on the heels of disastrous Mayor Bill DeBlasio – is looking a lot more like the city of Travis Bickle than the city of Seinfeld. The soft on crime approach by DeBlasio and now Eric Adams, is almost entirely to blame, including:

– The abandonment of Bloomberg’s “Stop and Frisk” law, which was extremely successful in thwarting would-be crimes.

– The decriminalization of multiple “Quality of Life” laws, which only encouraged crime.

– The elimination of cash bail in almost all cases.

– And the constant demonization of police which destroyed the relationship between City Hall and the cops.

The list goes on, and so does the skyrocketing crime. Remember, Bill DeBlasio was the one who helped paint a ‘Black Lives Matter” mural on an NYC street in the middle of the pandemic while citizens were locked down and crime ran rampant on his streets. He was also a proponent of “Defund the Police.”

None of this is difficult to figure out. If you signal to your citizenry that you’re going to go easy on criminals, then lawlessness ensues, and that is exactly what’s happening, and not just to Asian-Americans. Bill DeBlasio, and now Eric Adams, would rather coddle lawbreakers in the name of social justice than make their streets safe for residents and visitors. It’s been all too predictable, and the results have been heartbreaking.


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Jess Lawson

Jess Lawson is a regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative and a passionate, conservative millennial who loves America.

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