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Sexual Harassment Accusations, The New Fad: Part Two

Right after the Weinstein scandal broke I wrote that all these sexual accusations seemed to be a new fad. That was before Kevin Spacey,  before  Al Franken, before Roy Moore, before Louis C.K. and before Charlie Rose. I guess I was right. It seems everyone is getting in on the act now. I don’t mean to appear flippant about sexual harassment. It is a very serious issue, but  most of these accusations are from at least 30 years ago and all coming out at the same time now. The Weinstein explosion opened up the flood gates it seems.  And the giant snowball rolling downhill gets bigger and bigger.

A girl who was 16 at the time is now accusing Sylvester Stallone of luring her into his room in 1983 when he was filming Over the Top  where his bodyguard was and they both forced her to perform sex acts.  Stallone has categorically denied it. A spokesperson for Stallone denied the report in a statement to the Hollywood Reporter. “This is a ridiculous, categorically false story,” Michelle Bega, the actor’s rep, said. “No one was ever aware of this story until it was published today, including Mr. Stallone. At no time was Mr. Stallone ever contacted by any authorities or anyone else regarding this matter.”

The spokesperson did not immediately respond to TIME’s request for comment.  DeLuca, Stallone’s bodyguard and a former boxer managed by Tony Danza, was killed in 2013 after a confrontation with police.

The only thing wrong with that is Stalone was married to Bridget Neilsen at the time and she said that’s when they were first married and she never left Sly’s side.

Now, four women who were teens in the year 2000 all claim they had sex with Bill Clinton while he was working for billionaire playboy Ron Burkle on his private jet.


Bill Clinton is facing explosive new charges of sexual assault from four women, according to highly placed Democratic Party sources and an official who served in both the Clinton and Obama administrations.

The current accusations against the 71-year-old former president — whose past is littered with charges of sexual misconduct — stem from the period after he left the White House in 2001, say the sources.

Attorneys representing the women, who are coordinating their efforts, have notified Clinton they are preparing to file four separate lawsuits against him.

As part of the ongoing negotiations, the attorneys for the women are asking for substantial payouts in return for their clients’ silence.

Hillary Clinton allegedly offered to hire private detectives to find dirt on the new accusers just like she did with Bill’s accusers back when he was president, but Clinton’s legal team advised against it, sources said.

Back in the late 1990s, Clinton paid $850,000 to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit by Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee whose case led to Clinton’s impeachment in the House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal by the Senate in 1999.

The negotiations in the new lawsuits are said to have reached a critical stage. If they fail, according to sources in Clinton’s inner circle, the four women are said to be ready to air their accusations of sexual assault at a press conference, making Clinton the latest — and most famous — figure in a long list of men from Harvey Weinstein to Kevin Spacey who have recently been accused of sexual assault.

The new allegations refer to incidents that took place more than 10 years ago, in the early 2000s, when Clinton was hired by Ron Burkle, the playboy billionaire investor, to work at his Yucaipa companies. Clinton helped  Burkle generate business and flew around the world with a flock of beautiful young women on Burkle’s private jet, which was nicknamed ‘Air F**k One.’

The four women, who have not yet revealed their identities, were employed in low-level positions at the Burkle organization when they were in their late teens and claim they were sexually assaulted by the former president.

There is no evidence that Burkle knew anything about these alleged assaults by Clinton. ‘Bill is distraught at the thought of having to testify and defend himself against sex charges again,’ said a Democratic Party official who is familiar with the case.

Well Bill you would think you would have learned the first time, but I guess you just can’t control yourself, especially with young girls.

Melissa Schuman, an actress and singer best known for the all-girl teen band Dream, claimed Tuesday that Nick Carter raped her in 2002.

In a lengthy post on her personal blog, Schuman, now 39, said she first interacted with the Backstreet Boys singer when their reps suggested they date.

A few years later, they were shooting the made-for-TV movie “The Hollow” — the flick didn’t come out until 2004.

Carter invited Schuman, who was 18 at the time, and her friend back to his Santa Monica apartment for drinks and video games, a “casual hangout,” she wrote. After a few shots, Carter took Schuman into an office, where he played some of his music for her before they started making out, she wrote.

In graphic detail, Schuman described Carter’s alleged attack, during which he took her into a bathroom and continued to kiss her before lifting her onto the counter and trying to unbutton her pants.Schuman, then a virgin, says she told him to stop.

“He told me, ‘don’t worry. I won’t tell anybody,’” she wrote.Carter didn’t listen and instead took off Schuman’s pants and performed oral sex, she claimed.

Now gymnast Ghabby Douglas has come out saying she was abused. Gabby Douglas revealed on Tuesday that she was also a victim of Larry Nassar, the former USA Gymnastics doctor who has been accused by more than 125 women and girls of sexual abuse.

This is the first time the Olympic gymnast has come forward with her own accusations of abuse. Douglas joins a growing number of gymnasts who have accused the 54-year-old doctor of sexually abusing them under the guise of medical treatment, including her Olympic teammates Aly Raisman and McKayla Maroney.

Now talk show host Wendy Williams is coming out about an encounter with Gilbert Gottfried on her show in 2011 where Gilbert hugged her around the waist and buried his head in her chest.

The problem I have with that is that she is always talking about her boobs and flashing them around suggestively and I bet at the time she laughed about it.

The list of men in political media accused of sexual misconduct is long and growing by the day.

Glenn Thrush of The New York Times, Charlie Rose of CBS, author Mark Halperin, NBC’s Matthew Zimmerman, NPR’s Michael Oreskes, Vox’s Lockhart Steele, the New Republic’s Hamilton Fish and the Atlantic’s Leon Wieseltier have all been suspended or fired in the last month over varying degrees of alleged harassment or assault.

New allegations are coming out at a furious pace, in part because of the newfound willingness of news organizations to pursue and publish allegations from women who now feel emboldened to tell their stories, many of them on the record.

Media outlets are devoting tremendous resources to investigating their colleagues and competitors. Lists are circulating in journalism circles of men suspected of misconduct. The flood of allegations about top editors, reporters and executives is expected to continue.

The cascade of claims of misconduct has opened the media to charges of hypocrisy as it covers allegations of sexual harassment and assault from Hollywood to Capitol Hill.

It looks like Gloria Allred has her work cut out for her and will sure be busy. Does anyone else want to accuse someone of sexually abusing them? If so speak up now while the iron is still hot. Who’s next?


Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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  1. For the record.

    1) Justice in the United States; The law regards EVERYONE innocent until PROVEN guilty and penalty is only administered to the Guilty.

    I suppose snowflakes don’t like this (assuming they even understand it) – certainly the Communists don’t like it because it oppose their Marxist principles and makes for poor copy in their news hours.

    2) Allegation; al·le·ga·tion [ˌaləˈɡāSH(ə)n] NOUN allegations (plural noun) a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made WITHOUT PROOF.

    Without Proof !!! Bill Clinton is scared SH*TLESS of going before a court of law… I wonder why?

    None of this considers that our society has been assaulted with Sexual Promiscuity for the past century and that human life has been degraded in value with the scourge of Legalized Abortion for nearly half of that time – WHO’S SURPRIED?!?!?!?!?!

  2. The writer is wrong to even start with the term “fad.” Power corrupts…and absolute power corrupts completely in so many ways. Politicians and CEOs and other heads of different organizations have “indulged” their power over others in corrupt and immoral ways since the beginning of time. These accusations are not the main story, however…they are the symptoms…the evidence…of the underlying degradation of morality in America for the last century. Yes…these abuses have always occurred. But for much of time the mere suspicion or gossip of such behavior would cause those accused to be ostracized and seen as “persona non grata” throughout business, society and politics. Remember Gary Hart? How about Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick? The only segment of American Society in those days that virtually thumbed their noses at morality was the movie industry…and much of America saw actors as people to avoided in legitimate society because of their “loose” morals. But, as secularists became more and more successful in turning the Ten Commandments into the Ten “suggestions” and defined morality as comparative and not absolute, the power elites no longer had any societal curbs on their baser instincts. Today’s revelations are not a fad…they are a revelation of the consequences to us all for going down this path of “Political Correctness” (and oxymoron if I ever saw one), acceptance and tolerance of acts and behaviors that never before were allowed or seen as “civilized” behavior but clearly abhorrent and reason for exile from polite civilized society. The writers use of “fad”, regardless of his immediate disclaimer, indeed does continue today’s attitude of seeing immoral behavior as “nothing to get out of sorts about…it will pass.” One sincerely hopes he is absolutely wrong. Most of the men (and women) I know would never consider behaving in such ways…and we are the majority. It seems to be the province of those who see themselves as superior, elite and above what most of us still see as proper mores that elect to indulge their base instincts…and they should suffer the consequences.

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