In The News

Mrs. Class Warfare Booed at Nascar Finale

NASCAR racing may be the most patriotic sport in America. The U.S. flag being towed around Homestead raceway before the start of the Ford 400 this past weekend is but proof.

NASCAR also has a longstanding tradition of including prayers before each and every race, and is the only American sport to continue to do so in recognizing the importance of our Christian beliefs that have been a mainstay in America since our founding. We are a Christian nation, and will remain so despite the current anti-American, leftist agenda to dismantle our Christianity that is becoming so prevalent in parts of our society today.

Michelle Obama and Jill Biden appeared at the final NASCAR race of the year as part of the (supposed) White House  initiative, Joining Forces. Joining Forces is all about joining together to support our nation’s military families, as the above-linked taxpayer-funded website tells us. Here is an info-byte for the Obama administration: America’s businesses and citizenry have faithfully supported our brave military families since our troops started coming back from WWI. Veterans have been given preferences in hiring long before Obama took office. This is nothing new, but to hear Obama tell it today, Americans are nothing but lazy, troop-disrespecting capitalists, especially Republicans, so vote Liberal in 2012. This whole charade of leftists expressing sudden concern for out military is nothing more than vote-pandering in it’s ugliest form. Obama and the Democrats are desperate to remain in power, and it shows.

Have we forgotten how our brave troops were constantly called murderers and war criminals by Liberals posing as Democrats upon their return from the Vietnam war? Liberal activists were doing exactly that ( calling our military war criminals) as recently as last week at the Obama-approved anti-capitalism Occupy Wall Street class warfare project being run by the DNC, Obama’s Union bed-pals and Marxist-Anarchists that was created in the very same mold as Obama’s lifelong mentor, domestic terrorist and murderer Bill Ayers and documented in his domestic terrorist/community organizing training manual, Prairie Fire.

The headlines today will speak more of the booing of Michelle Obama as opposed to actually reporting on the miraculous, dogged comeback of Tony Stewart to win the championship by winning the last Sprint Cup Chase race of the year by beating second place finisher Carl Edwards. Keep in mind that NASCAR racing receives very little coverage by the mainstream media, and is only reported upon by sports channels such as ESPN. Today, that will change.

Expect to see Chris Mathews and company over at MSNBC calling NASCAR fans racists, disrespectful and a whole slew of nasty adjectives because they booed Michelle Obama’s husband’s heavy-handed far left radical policy agenda. The leftists posing as reporters will not only play the class warfare-inducing race card, but they will also play the victim card heavily, as Michelle Obama also used children as stage props once again at this ceremony. When the NASCAR fans booed Michelle Obama, the children were conveniently front and center so the left can falsely claim the nasty NASCAR fans were booing the children.

FACT: NASCAR is a family sport, championing the family values that have been at the root of America’s greatness for over 200 years, while Liberals champion things like abortion. Liberals love those stage props that they constantly use to inject their Socialistic agenda upon America, especially when they are desperately vote-begging to remain in power. If it isn’t the “Oh the poor children” it’s the ‘Oh those poor blacks and minorities” horse manure they use to further their agenda constantly. Throw into that mix the Hispanic vote-begging scheme of Democrats making statements like “Illegals are not illegal” and it isn’t hard to see through their desperate vote-pandering to the military to remain in power in 2013. NOTE: It was in fact, Obama’s very own Illinois Democrats that denied the counting of military votes in the 2010 elections.

Again, America’s citizenry and businesses have faithfully supported our military families and veterans ever since we went to war against the British to declare out independence. We do not need a billion-dollar taxpayer funded arm of the DNC to tell us to do this, thank you very much. There are currently hundreds of programs designed to help our brave troops and military families, the majority of them run by honest private citizens and ex-military with no political agenda. The last thing we need is for citizens to start giving their hard earned money and time to the DNC arm of our government for their vote-begging scheme just because Michelle Obama wants to get her husband reelected. (by acting like they actually care about our troops) Here is a simple fact: Barack and Michelle Obama have never shown support for our military in their entire lives before his reelection campaign of 2012 came along. Zero, nada, no support, not one statement, not one plug nickel donated to the help the military programs cross America, EVER. Believing in the Obama’s sudden discovery of their long-lost love for our military (sarc) is about as ignorant as seniors believing that Liberals and Barack Obama are now their best friends after they stole $500 billion dollars of their medicare funding to fund Obama’s Socialistic healthcare reform.

Hiding from the truth: The booing of Michelle Obama was the result of we the people of the United States being ignored while her husband and their political operatives ram their socialistic agenda down our throats while also hiding from the very people they are supposed to serve to avoid hearing the truth: They do not like the direction this country is going today. Obama runs around the country in perpetual campaign fund-raising mode, while denying the people the chance to speak out against him in public. He insulates himself from the public by making sure his blind sheep followers are the only ones that get near him in public. When is the last time anyone heard our President answer direct, unprepared questions asked by the citizenry? The last time that happened was when Joe the plumber exposed Obama’s wealth redistributive agenda back 2008. The Marxist-in-Chief running for reelection is not about to let that happen again. So the public expressed their displeasure with the Obama agenda of the past three years by booing Michelle Obama at a NASCAR race. Good for them!

2012 just can’t get here fast enough !

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. DJ, I could not possibly agree with you more. Michelle Obama and Jill Biden showing up for the last NASCAR race and pandering for votes was shameful. And they got from the fans exactly what they deserved.

    Since both Tony Stewart and Carl Edwards turned down Obama’s “invitation,” we race fans were in a no-lose situation. And wasn’t that a great race? The “never quit” attitudes of both Darien Grubb and Bob Osborne were certainly to be admired.

  2. Oh yes what a marvelous comeback by Tony Stewart, winning 5 of 10 Chase races, and even though it had a rain delay, what a final race! I was rooting for Edwards to win his first championship yet Stewart just had too much car under him. One thing that prompted me to write that article is that NASCAR had received massive complaints about certain networks not showing the prayer before the race, along with not showing our national anthem. NASCAR is an American tradition, built on family values and the belief in prayer. On that statement alone, I shall remain a lifelong NASCAR fan.

    Now if Dale Jr. could manage to get into the winners circle next year, I will be a very happy camper!

    Thanks for your input Warren, and have a great Thanksgiving.

  3. This is the most bigoted, hateful, truth twisting RW article I’ve read lately.
    You have, in a few short paragraphs, proven to the rest of America that the Republicans in this country are not fit to even open their mouths, much less be in charge of anything. The last three years of ignorance, racism, hate, corporatism, fundamentalism, and regressive techniques have made the rest of us ashamed of the bunch of you.

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