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Elite NYC School Apologizes For Showing Students Video Of White Women ‘Tarred And Feathered”

The headmaster of an elite Manhattan private school issued an apology on Wednesday after a parent alleged that students were shown a video of white women being “tarred and feathered,” the New York Post reported.

“This video is not part of the Spence curriculum. Our teacher and the School acknowledge that sharing a satirical video that made fun of white women was a significant mistake,’’ Spence School headmaster Bodie Brizendine said in an email obtained by the New York Post. The apology came after ex-trustee Gabriela Baron told the school she was pulling her daughter out following a “blatantly racist” video shown to students that demonized and ridiculed white women.

Brizendine called the incident a “significant mistake” and that “it’s never acceptable to ridicule anyone at any time,” the email said, the Post reported.

The video was an episode of comedian Ziwe Fumudoh’s new Showtime series, Ziwe, which “openly derides, humiliates and ridiculous white women,” Baron said in a letter to the school.

The video featured a conversation between Fumudoh and writer Fran Lebowitz, women’s rights activist Gloria Steinem, and 4 white women named Karen. “I believe that you are not concerned with how annoying white women can be,’’ Fumudoh told Lebowitz in the video.

Fumudoh asked the audience, “what percentage of white people do you hate? And there is a right answer.” She later defined the term ‘Karen’ as “obnoxious, angry and entitled, often racist white women.”

During the video, the white students “sat there in their graduation dresses while the white mothers of the white students – many of whom volunteer, donate, call, email and do whatever the school asks of them – were tarred and feathered in a video their teacher showed them. While their white female teachers were mocked,’’ Baron said.

The episode is rated TV-MA for “Mature Audience Only” and intended for viewers 17 years older. The students who watched the video were in reportedly 8th grade, the Post said.

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One Comment

  1. Clearly the head massah should not get away with an apology, but rather a firing. Buh bye Massah Bodie. Additionally, anyone who reads this who cares, should cancel their Showtime accounts and give a stern reprimand to their cable provider that they cease and desist such racist programming. Cancel back! I am. Buh bye Showtime.

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