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Hysterical And Prejudiced People

Hysterical and Prejudiced. This is what President Joe Biden called politicians who are trying to protect children from life-altering surgery to alter their gender and calling them hateful bills that are trying to block medications, puberty blockers, and surgery without the consent of their parents. “These are our children,” and no politician or parent should hamper gender-affirming care. This garbage is very rich coming from a man who will not even admit the existence of his biological granddaughter, but he wants to take ownership of our children.

Finland and Sweden were at the forefront of transgender treatment, but both countries have banned hormone-blocking medicines because of adverse side effects. What happened to your belief that we should follow the science, Mr. President? When will he and the Left realize the physical and emotional harm they are inflicting on our children? The more important question is why the Left is so fixated on pushing transgender options onto our children. What is their motivation?

Republicans and Democrats are deeply divided on gender identity. While 80% of Republicans believe that being a man or woman is determined by sex at birth, 64% of Democrats think it can be different. These stats are derived from the latest Pew Polling results on the subject. Even in a country as politically divided as ours, how can the determination of man or woman be worlds apart? It harkens back to the confirmation hearings for Ketanji Brown Jackson. She passed when asked to define a woman, claiming she was not qualified to answer the question. If the Left cannot define man or woman, how can they determine when someone is one or the other?

This concerted effort seems to destroy individual identity and the family unit simultaneously. The population is easier to control if the individual doubts every aspect of self, and the strength of the family unit is removed from the equation. This plan started years ago in our school system and has escalated recently. It is no coincidence that the Black Lives Matter and Pride movements became so powerful, and both went beyond their mission statements to become politically centered simultaneously. It is not a coincidence that CRT and WOKE/Pride have become hot-button topics since 2020. The Biden government wants us to believe that our children are everyone’s children and that Parents are to yield to the government as it indoctrinates our children.

The President got himself in the spotlight with words and actions this weekend. First was a violation of flag etiquette where the Pride Flag was flown at the same height and between two American flags hanging from the White House railing. Everyone knows it is inappropriate to have any flag flown at the same height as Old Glory. The second was comments by the President. He told the transgender people in attendance they were the strongest and most courageous people he had been with. The President failed to recall that only a week ago, he was addressing the latest graduates of the Air Force Academy. He did not refer to these warriors as strong, brave, or courageous but enunciated that the graduates were the most diverse he had seen in some time. I am sorry, Mr. President, but dressing up in drag or feathers does not make you strong or courageous. The Cadets should be insulted, but you will not hear them being critical of the Commander in Chief for fear of retribution. Hopefully, they will speak with their votes in 2024 by voting Republican. With 70% of voters saying the President should not run in 2024, it will take incredible manipulation of the voting process to get him reelected.

Content syndicated from ConservatriveViewFromNH.com with permission

Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media.Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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