
What Kind Of Man Celebrates Beating Women

Riley Gaines, former NCAA swimmer now advocate of Save Women’s Sports Act, has been very active this week protesting and speaking at the 2024 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Convention in Phoenix, Arizona, to demand that the organization stop discriminating against female athletes by allowing males to compete in women’s sports. The NCAA celebrates its decision to include transgender women in women’s sports as Progressive and the right decision for college athletics. The results and data prove otherwise and show the NCAA to be more concerned with being WOKE than right on this issue.

At the convention, swimmers Riley Gaines, Paula Scanlan, Kaylee Alons, and volleyball player Macy Petty continue to call on NCAA President Charlie Baker to meet with them to hear how allowing men in women’s sports hurt them. Baker has ignored numerous requests to meet with female athletes against whom the NCAA has discriminated. Gaines is the most visible of these female athletes. She is a 12x All-American swimmer, 5x SEC Champion, and record holder. However, she was denied the individual championship in her senior year at Kentucky when she was beaten by transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, who had competed at Penn for a few years as a male swimmer. By the conclusion of Thomas’s swimming career at UPenn in 2022, her rank had moved from 65th on the men’s team to 1st on the women’s team in the 500-yard freestyle and 554th on the men’s team to fifth on the women’s team in the 200-yard freestyle. Thomas found the way to become a champion was not to train and work harder but to become a woman and compete as one. I question how she can look in the mirror or hold up her trophy and feel good about the women she cheated in her quest for fame.

34 Lia Thomas athletes compete in women’s collegiate athletics and are supported by the NCAA. They compete in swimming, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, and volleyball. Not only are women being denied championships and scholarships and having future earnings hampered, but they are also being physically hurt. 

From ABC13 News Website:

RALEIGH, N.C. (TND) — A high school volleyball player who suffered severe head and neck injuries resulting in long-term concussion symptoms after a girl she says is transgender spiked a ball in her face is now speaking out publicly for the first time.

“Due to the North Carolina High School Athletic Association policy allowing biological males to compete against biological females my life has forever been changed,” Payton McNabb, now a senior at Hiwassee Dam High School in Murphy, North Carolina, said during a Thursday committee hearing of the North Carolina state legislature.

McNabb indicated that, to this day, she is still recovering from her injuries and continues to face other health struggles as a result of what happened, such as impaired vision, partial paralysis on the right side of her body, constant headaches, anxiety, and depression. But to the NCAA, this is just the cost of being a Progressive WOKE institution.

To every level-headed, honest, free-thinker, this inclusion of trans-women is wrong. Still, the beliefs and wishes of the masses are no longer the concern of the government, schools, sports governing bodies, or Progressives in general. It will be challenging to correct these bad decisions when the adults regain control of this country. For the young women denied the fruits of their hard work, there will be no justice, and for the Payton Mcnabbs who are physically harmed, there will be no apology.

Content syndicated from ConservatriveViewFromNH.com with permission

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Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media.Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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