Yesterday, my family and I made a trip to our local Family Christian Bookstore. We had actually gone last weekend, but the store closed just moments before we got there. We were a bit frustrated, but decided we would try again this weekend. It’s just too hectic during the week for luxuries like the bookstore.
As we walked in the door, we were greeted by a lady sitting at a table. She introduced herself as Leigh Watson, and told us she was a local author who was there for a book signing. She gave us an overview of what her book was about, and my mind began to whirl!
She had me from the moment she opened her mouth. I could see by the cover of the book that it was about our military. She confirmed this fact within the first few words she spoke, telling us that it was about her journey of seeing her son off when he went to Iraq in the war. She said “9 Miracles- One Mother’s Amazing Journey Home After Seeing Her Son Off To War” was not about her sons journey, but her journey, and the miracles that happened to her.
I told her we would take a book, and she addressed it to our family. After a few more minutes of pleasantries, we thanked her, and went on our way to do our shopping.

Just a few moments later, I told my husband to watch the kids for a minute, I would be right back. I just had to talk to Leigh again! I had so many questions! I could not even concentrate on my own shopping, because I was so intrigued by her story. I honestly do not remember all that we talked about, but I remember distinctly that she told me the book itself was a miracle, because she never wrote anything down- not even a shopping list! We visited for several more minutes, and once again, I went on my way, rejoining my family.
We finished our shopping, and went to check out. As we were waiting in the check out line, my children began talking to her. She gave each of my children a bookmark, which of course thrilled them to the gills!
We made our purchase, said our good-byes to Leigh, and headed out the door.
Right next to Family Christian Bookstore is Home Depot. We had to run in to pick up a few items there as well, so as I was driving across the parking lot, I asked my husband if he wanted to just run in and get the few items we needed, and I would stay in the car with the kids. He was agreeable to that arrangement, to my delight!
As he ran in to do our shopping, I opened my book and began to read.
The synopsis, as written on the back of the book, is as follows:
When Leigh’s husband is unable to accompany her to see their Air Force son, Luke, off to Iraq, Leigh mentally prepares herself to make the trip alone, knowing she will have to be strong for Luke’s sake.
Along the way, she encounters extraordinary people and incredible circumstances that could only be defined as heaven-sent. Rejoice, how as one exits- another appears, carrying her on the wings of mercy all the way home.
I finished the first chapter just as my husband was getting back into the car. Leigh had already brought tears to my eyes- in the very first chapter!
The rest of the day was quite busy, so I did not have the opportunity to sit down to read anymore for the day.
This morning, I woke up at 7:30 am and picked up my book. By 8:10 am, I had completed the book. I needed this book at this time in my life more than Leigh could have known! More importantly, God knew I needed this book! If the store had not been closed last weekend, we would have completed our shopping then, and would not have been back this weekend. In fact, as I told Leigh, this was only the second time we had come to this store, preferring instead to shop online. God had other plans for me this time. He knew that this book was something that I needed. He knew that I needed to meet Leigh. And He knew this is a book I probably would not have chosen to buy, had I not met the author personally.
While I know that God Is God- He is real, He is with me every second of every minute of every day- sometimes I tend to forget that He is concerned with even the tiniest details of my life. Just as He was with Leigh at one of the saddest points in her life, He reminded me that every day He is with me, just as He was with her that day! He has used “9 Miracles” to speak to my heart. He has reminded me that all the things I have been preoccupied with recently should be handed over to Him.
Rather than sitting around wringing my hands, worrying about my children, the choices they are making, the choices they will make in the future, I need to focus on raising my children in a Godly home and let God do the rest. Yes, without a doubt we are going to have our rough times. Yes, we are going to have our tribulations. But as the new Newsboys song says,
“You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes
There may be pain in the night
But joy comes in the morning
And when the oceans rage
I don’t have to be afraid
Because I know that You love me
Your love never fails”
His love never fails. The trials I am facing right now are painful, but indeed, joy will come in the morning, because His love never fails! “9 Miracles” is proof of that fact! Without a doubt in my mind, Leigh’s story is proof that God cares for us more than we can ever know. Her journey was, indeed, an amazing one!
One thing that sticks out in my mind from my conversation with Leigh was the fact that she said she was not a writer. She told me, and she writes in the book, that the entire book was written in two sittings. This just amazed me! God was definitely in the writing of His “9 Miracles”!
If you are someone who likes to tear apart the sentence structure of a book, disect the technical side of things, and critique the literary experience, this is not the book for you. While it may never be a “literary masterpiece” to the scholars of the world, the Master of the Universe doesn’t need all that. Leigh Watson is most definitely the instrument in the hands of The Master who loves His children. If, however, you are just an ordinary person who believes in miracles, this is a book you must read! And if you are someone who does not believe in miracles, I challenge you to read it anyway! Maybe… just maybe, God will speak to you as well! And if you dare to allow Him, He will work miracles in your life. You simply have to believe, and place your trust in Him.
I literally read the book from beginning to end in less than 45 minutes. It was as if I was sitting there with Leigh, over a cup of coffee, with her telling me the story in person. I teared up more times than I can remember, and actually cried a couple of times, out of just pure amazement at my God’s love and mercy! I know that He loves His children- there is no doubt in my mind of this! However, to read the specifics of how He lovingly took care of Leigh shows me that yes, He may have created heaven and earth, and everything that is, but He still loves every single one of His children as if we were the only one in the world!
My older three children had asked if they could read the book. After I finished the book this morning, I called them into my bedroom and they all piled into the bed. I told them that rather than each of them reading the book, I would read it to all of them, so even the younger two children could hear the story of God’s miracles. We finished half of the book this morning, and will most definitely finish it tomorrow.
If you would like to read a book that is very easy to read and very inspiring, you will want to read this book! In Leigh’s words, “Everyone needs 9 miracles!”
Order the book “9 Miracles- One Mother’s Amazing Journey Home After Seeing Her Son Off To War”