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Voter ID Battle Rages On in Minnesota

You may not hear it on the news, but in Minnesota, the battle over requiring voters to present photo ID at the polls rages on. A constitutional amendment question posed to the voters on whether or not to require ID at the polls will appear on the ballot this November.

On Thursday Mike Parry, Republican State Senator from Minnesota spoke to Tea Party Patriots in Rochester to discuss the latest news regarding the ballot initiative. This same week, Secretary of State Mark Ritchie-DFL, who opposed the ballot question from the beginning, changed the name of the ballot question without the consent of the legislature, resulting in an immediate law suit.

On Friday, Sen. Parry scheduled a hearing to question three individuals on the voter ID matter, including Attorney General Lori Swanson, who also is campaigning against the ballot initiative, Secretary Ritchie, and Minnesota Campaign Finance Board Executive Director Gary Goldsmith. It is rumored that the Secretary of State declined to show and Senator Parry promises to ask for a vote to issue a subpoena if the Secretary fails to show.

Also on Thursday, political activist John Rouleau, field director of, spoke to the same group to educate them on what is going on with voter ID in the state and to dispel rumors. Below you can find videos of what was said at the meeting.

ProtectMyVote1 from Jeremy Griffith on Vimeo.

Senator Mike Parry-R Minnesota addresses Tea Party Patriots at gathering in Rochester

Political activist John Rouleau of addresses Rochester Tea Party Patriots Thursday

Jeremy Griffith

Jeremy Griffith is conservative blogger and retired officer of the United States Army Reserve. He writes for his own blog at

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