An Obama Halloween
With tensions running high so close to election day, it might be time for all of us to take a little breather, step back and have a little chuckle. So many agree that this is the most important election of our life time, but let’s not forget to enjoy some of the little things in life.
Happy Howl-O-Ween
…uh, make that ELECTION DAY!
Season’s Greetings
T’was the night before elections, And all thru’ the town,
Tempers were flaring Emotions ran up and down.
I, in my bathrobe With a cat in my lap,
Had shut off the TV, tired of political crap.
When all of a sudden, There arose such a noise,
I peered out my window, Saw Obama and his boys
They had come for my wallet, They wanted my pay
To hand out to others Who had not worked a day!
He snatched up my money, And quick as a wink,
Jumped back on his bandwagon As I gagged from the stink.
He then rallied his henchmen Who were pulling his cart.
I could tell they were out To tear my country apart!
‘On Fannie, on Freddie, On Biden and Ayers!
On Acorn, on Pelosi’ He screamed at the pairs!
hmmmm…how do I comment in a way that is clever & bright on this long dark winter night..
This post brought a quite chuckle & a bit of a grin, Yet seriously I know we cannot let Obama win.
I’m not a poet so will just say, jump on the bandwagon & shout…Nov 6th, vote this imposter out! And to all of America Nov 7th will be a good nite.
Excellent Jan, you should start a column of your own.
Thanks, Actually do have a password & ‘stuff’ ready to go just as soon as this thimble size brain figures the elementary task of cut & paste. Like you, I’m a quite child, sans your techie traits
Learn like I did, trial and error