The Truth Finally Comes Out: But Not From Obama
Well it seems that I must be some kind of oracle or something, when Obama was first elected; my gut told me that he was a phony. As he went into his Presidency I said he was not only a phony, but also a liar and a hypocrite as well, now it appears that I was right, why didn’t anyone listen?
So many on the right warned America what kind of President they were getting, but America refused to listen, now we are paying the price. Obama’s policies, one after the other have been nothing but failures, from Cash for Clunkers to Obama-Care, utter failures. I cannot believe that there are still people out there that defend him and his policies.
“If you like your health-care plan, you can keep your health-care plan, period. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period. No one is going to take them away from you.” Obama said this year after year, even though he knew it was a lie. From here on, Obama will forever be known as The Liar In-Chief, although I have been calling him that for years.
We now know that when President Obama promised Americans that if they liked their health insurance plan, they could keep their health insurance plan, he wasn’t telling the truth. But based on an op-ed published in the New York Times on Sunday, the Times editorial board doesn’t agree, calling the President’s broken promises an “overblown controversy.” After all, we all know President Obama simply “misspoke” when he told us over and over again that we could keep our plans.
Many of the 15 million or so who are receiving cancellation notices, have been insured by companies accepted by the top 18 hospitals in the United States as complied by U.S. News and World Report. Now we learn that 11 of those top 18 hospitals have opted out of Obama-Care while the remaining 7 are only accepting 1 or 2 of the Obama-Care listed insurance carriers. Obama knew all these things and he has known them for years. The bill was passed in 2009, so you can’t tell me that after four years he never knew what he was saying was a lie.
I do not see how anyone can still defend this guy, whoever does, has to be just as corrupt, or maybe even more so. Every Democrat that voted to pass this law, I hope will pay the price for their blind loyalty. Will Obama play dumb again, like he has in the past, he seems to find out what is going on in his administration when he hears about it in the news, what kind of leader is this?
Well, I think Obama has finally come to the end of his rope, with such a blatant lie and his latest approval rate at 40% I think America is finally waking up to see what Obama really is, which is the biggest phony, incompetent who ever sat in the White House.
“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids” Available Here.
P.S. For all you Baby Boomers my new book “Are The Golden Years Really Golden” Available Here.
This is one man’s opinion.
Oracle ? Hmmm, probably not. You probably are smart enough to realize that a beautifully decorated cake doesn’t tell you ‘what’s underneath” Or how many baker’s mistakes it can cover up. So rather than standing & admiring, you scrapped a corner off to see what flavor it was before gobbling it down. Am afraid it was that boring “common sense’ driving you to look before leaping….unfortunately far too many couldn’t be bothered.
Given the chance, I believe among my first questions to a POTUS candidate would be to ask…”What does it mean to SERVE and do you know, understand the Constitution as it is meant to guide ‘we the people”.
Boy, the ‘cash for clunkers’ came with flashing warning neon signs..yet … As a whole it appears that we have become a nation of instant gratification & addicted to ‘freebies’. Remember the kid in school running for class president that gave away candy for votes….not much progress, huh?
If ‘ME’ can’t be turned into ‘WE’ nothing will change. There is a abundance of ‘good’ people not all are suited for public office of any level, meaning that being ‘good’ just isn’t enough. Since it’s doubtful most of us plan to crawl in bed with them, and already have a BFF, it’s not really necessary to fall so blindly in love that we can’t consider the value of others…..As for the candidates this last round…once they didn’t garner enough votes, they tucked their tails & went home to sulk….not work for the party….is that their idea of service to their country or ego?
There’s a lot to think about and think we must…This boy that would be king has given us all the ammunition,we just need to use it wisely…we must not become a ‘one issue party, but act a one party.
Mr Author, I relinquish my soapbox.
POTUS,now here’s a guy who came with all the accolades of the finest wines and polished in brilliance far beyond what can be imagined. No task was above his reach, he was that finest cardiologist of unbiased politics anywhere, one man who could restore the heartbeat to our economy. So we got a colonoscopy from a glow worm wino sucking down a bottle of Ripple intent on apostatizing what our founders bestowed upon all Americans,loyalty to nation and flag, freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This man has no honor nor even a pubic hair of patriotism and as such it will be his legacy for eternity. The funny part is that “Dumb Bo” will never understand that part. Obama is the product of two party’s and the media gone awry, systemic of 300 million people with out a voice or any true and honest leadership. He is an empty container with a dark past that remains hidden along with everything he has ever been or done. If you or I had such a moniker all we would know is shame. But not this Golden Boy and his Mad Hatter first lady, not even the Beasty Boys he is surrounded by. They all get a free pass. But for our dear POTUS, he dwells in wonderland where only imaginary works, he likes imaginary. Soon enough he may find out that you can only follow a rabbit into so many holes before he realizes that the cards he’s holding may just turn on him. But knowing Barack and that bright Cheshire grin he has there is always a plan B. He knows he can always turn to that land called OZ, plus I heard they were short one witch and few odd monkeys.
Well said Jerry, If his latest lies don’t wake-up the American people, the next sound we hear will be a giant flush.