
The Republican Party: When the Body Guard joins the Bully!!!!!

Rush LimbaughI was listening to Rush Limbaugh (Wednesday Dec. 17, 2013) and he had a very interesting call from a woman relating to a survey Limbaugh discussed about men not arguing with or disagreeing with their wife.  The survey found that when men never challenged the wife’s decisions the marriage got worse instead of getting better as is the common belief.  The caller made the point that men who never stand up for their opinions and beliefs don’t get respect from women.

I am not trying to quote her but rather describe the impression conveyed to me as a listener.  She made a point that I have made many times.  I don’t know who she was or where she was from but she sounded like a plain everyday American citizen.  The interesting thing is that she applied this survey to politics in a way that is practical and makes sense, and goes beyond gender in the analogy.  She said that women respect Democrats, even when they don’t agree with them or like them, because they stand up for what they believe in, right or wrong.

I have written many times about my attitude towards Democrats and Republicans.  I have a respect for Dingy Harry Reid that Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, John McCain, or any other “moderate” Republican, will NEVER see come their way.  I despise everything Reid stands for, and would like to see him go to prison for the rest of his life for the Demomcrat Logocorruption and the violations of the rights of We the People, and the Constitution.  He has continually ignored the very Constitution he swore an oath to protect and defend.  But Reid is fighting for the tyranny he believes in, and regardless of whether I like his beliefs or not, I respect him for being willing to fight.

Okay, so now you know I don’t care much for Harry Reid.  The caller, like me, has no respect for the Republican Party because they are seen as wimps, and can never be depended on to stand up for us against bullies.  The constant “bi-partisanship” is not politically attractive to the average woman, or man, in America.  No woman wants to be bullied by a man, but no woman wants a man who will let others bully her either, or for that matter let her bully him.  Same goes for citizens and politicians.

The TEA Party, as defiled as it is, has a 67% following among American citizens.  We the People, the 67% TEA Party We the People, swept Republicans to record setting election results in 2010.  This woman caller seemed to be under the TEA Party banner philosophically.   The “body guards” (Republican Party) we hired in 2010, the ones who told us they would protect us cower in the corner while the Democrat bullies pound us into submission.  What good are they?  And now they are joining in with the bullies to pummel the Constitution and We the People.

Sarah Palin identifies with both men and women because she is rightly seen as one of us.  She is a fighter, a combatant in the war being waged for liberty.  When I see a “Joan of Arc” being attacked by those I send to defend her I am not Sarah Palininclined to ever trust them again.  I voted for Republicans in 2008, 2010, and 2012.  Now I hear them call me the enemy and a roadblock to “progress”!!!!!   The body guard has decided to join in with the bully and hope they get a small piece of the spoils.  And they can be sure they won’t be attacked by the bullies if they cower and passively go along with the bullying.

There are those men and women who stand up for us in the realm of politics.  Men and women in Congress like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Louie Gohmert, Jim Bridenstine, Michelle Bachman, Marsha Blackburn, etc. ARE standing up for the Constitution and freedom of choice of citizens.  Not only are these “dedicated body guards”  seriously outnumbered by Democrat bullies, they now find themselves being stabbed in the back by those other “body guards” who promised to stand with them against the bullies.  The average American citizen wants security but not the kind of “security” we are getting out of those we send to “administer” our government functions.  We the People don’t want to be protected from ourselves.  We want to be protected from the bullies running a tyrannical government.

I don’t pay a bodyguard to join the bully and help him terrorize me.  We the People “hired” the Republican Party in 2010 to protect us from the bullies in the Democrat Party.  What do we see in 2013?? The Republican Party establishment, led by Karl Rove, Grover Norquist, Reince Preibus, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, John Cornyn, John McCain, Lindseyrepublican logo Graham, Peter King, etc. ad nauseum; attack those who are doing what we pay them to do.  These “RINO” Republicans have joined in on the bullying we “hired” them to stop.

Ted Cruz and those who stand with him are doing the job we paid them to do.  This caller to Limbaugh made the point that those standing against the Democrat bullies are the ones she admires and respects.  I was able to identify with her about three sentences into her call.  She first talked about the personal relationship a woman wants with a man and then made a political comparison.  I am not a woman but I understand basic human nature.  I don’t want “friends” who will turn on me when I need them and I don’t want political “representatives” who will turn on me because that is the easiest and most profitable path for them.

People who give me the “if you don’t blindly vote for Republicans you are voting for Democrats” line are wasting their Don't Tread On Metime.  I will vote only for those who will be the bodyguard I pay them to be and no one else, regardless of party.  The days of me voting for Republicans because they aren’t Democrats are over.  I really don’t see any benefit to vote for them.  When they aren’t cowering in fear they are joining in on the bullying, and that isn’t something I am going to vote to continue!!!!!

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

January 5, 2014


Bob Russell

Graduated from Classen High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in May, 1968. Enlisted in the U S Army on December 11, 1968, serving 3 years in the 7th Special Forces Group as a Heavy Weapons Expert, attaining the rank of Sgt. E 5. upon separation went to work at Southwestern Bell Telephone on January 17, 1972 and retired on August 31, 2003. Also spent 1 year on active reserve as a member of the 14th Special Forces Group. attaining the rank of Staff Sgt. E6. started and operated a business installing wiring for telephone, data, and video surveillance systems from October 2003 until December 2011. Suffered a debilitating stroke on August 19, 2014. Now recovering and doing volunteer work at the Claremore, Oklahoma Veterans Center. Attends church in Claremore at CedarPoint and LifeChanger churches. Married to wife Marsha since August 2, 1989 with 4 daughters and a deceased son, 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

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  1. I wish everyone would read what you just wrote, Bob!

    I get a lot of junk mail from the RNC – “renew your membership, third notice, final call, we must stand against the liberals, protect our conservative values”

    Surveys – “what are you most concened with? Obamacare or the National budget?” That’s like asking me, “should we stop the clip gun or the revolver from putting a .45 slug thru your brain!”

    Showmanship!! They are a bunch of actors trying to stay on stage! Your observations from the caller are absolutely right. When Boehner caved to the Gov. shutdown (a small blessing as we were actually saving money AND Obama was shooting off his own foot) I was so mad I told the RNC to shove it! Boehner should go to jail for life too! What the idiots don’t understand is that once you commit to action – right or wrong – carry thru because giving in before a true conclusion is COWARDANCE! And cowards are dispicable! What ever footing they had before the shutdown is now completely gone!

    I didn’t attempt to anylize why I was so mad – I knew at some level – but you’ve put it all into common sense words! Thanks!

    I won’t vote for a candidate that does not demonstrate a strong support for the Constitution. This means it is very unlikely I’ll ever vote for a Democrat. But it also means I likely won’t vote for a “traditional” Republican either. Our founders were none to thrilled with partisan politics to begin with. In some ways the Tea Party isn’t Conservative enough and I float somewhere between Tea Party and Libertarian (They have a couple of points I’m not quite in agreement with either). But I’d vote for any one of them over another John McCain.

    (or did I say that already?)

    Because they command my confidence and respect! (I’d love it if Sarah won the Presidency!)

    1. thanks for the kind words. Send a link to the RNC and see if they respond. If you are looking for a good candidate for president in 2016, should we still be a republic then, give John Albert Dummett Jr. a look. You can do a search for him or look on facebook. I think you will like him.

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