
Frustrated With the G.O.P.? Change It!

Many CoU.S. Flag - a conservative symbolnservatives (yes, I always capitalize it – correctness not my forte) , feel that the Republican party has been slipping into irrelevance.  In-fact 73% of us are screaming at the top of our longs (that being equal to the most-recent Rasmussen opinion poll), that we are not happy with the G.O.P. leadership – at all.  Now the question is how we show it.

We may not be able to affect the global climate, fix unemployment, create regime change, fix the economy or infect the world with global peace simply with a speech and 12 days in office, but we can change the politics in Washington with our voices.

The Republican party leaders actually point at the 9/12 rally in D.C. as a victory for them *sigh*.  It was a victory for Conservatives, not Republicans.  It could have been had the grand ole party jumped into the crowd, taken on the message and run with it, but instead they have wandered off into oblivion, pointing at posters of Reagan while following the defending the policies of Clinton – including extra-marital behaviors.  I am going a different route – which I am sure my wife will appreciate.  I will be gathering the email, phone, online, and on-the-ground protest information I run-across or that you great Conservatives send to me.  I’ll start by updating this post and if I can collect information, I’ll transform it into its own page similar to my economy update and health care update if it garners as much interest as those posts did.

  • Melt Their Phones: identified eight swing-vote Democrats in the Senate who need to be pressured to vote against ObamaCare. Many of you made phone calls to their offices urging them to vote against “cloture” on the heath care bill. Now we need to turn up the heat and melt their phones.
  • Elect Mark Hoffman: Conservative Congressioanal candidate running against very liberal republican.  The GOP chose the liberal, we have to support the real conservative.
  • November 5th, Remember Us Campaign: AFPs march on each district Representative’s office or State Senator’s office

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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