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Democracy Hypocrisy in Madison

I encountered an article over at Townhall.com by Debra Saunders titled, “The CheeseHead Rubicon” that once again shows us just how hypocritical the Liberal Socialists of America ( that hide behind the Democratic in name only party of today) truly are.  In that article* we see another very interesting fact about the State of Wisconsin politics today:

“In 2008, 56 percent of Wisconsin voters supported Barack Obama for president. In 2009, Wisconsin’s Democratic governor and Democratic Legislature passed legislation that raised taxes and fees by about $1.2 billion over three years. State lawmakers approved the bill on the very day it was introduced, with no public hearingRemember that ? ” (emphasis mine)

Fast forward to this past week in the Wisconsin State Assembly, where we saw a totally disgusting display of rudeness by the minority Democrats after the budget bill was passed. The majority of the Democrats were all dressed in red as some kind of intimidation tactic to begin with. Then after the bill was passed, they all started screaming and pointing fingers at Republicans as they filed out of the room. It reminded me of a 3 year old who had been told he had been a  rotten kid all day long and therefore he would not get the ice cream he had asked for. I believe this is unethical conduct for State Legislators, and hope that the disrespectful offenders in this case will all be brought up on  ethics charges.  If that display doesn’t show a lack of proper ethics,I don’t know what does. Put these disrespectful clowns up on stage before the entire Assembly and  play the video for everyone to see. I am very disappointed in the entire State of Wisconsin and  their State Leaders  for allowing this political circus to reach new levels of  ridiculousness in recent days. This has got to be stopped. Make examples of these clowns. Let’s go ahead and put a link of the video of these people in here for all to see. Take a good look at the Wisconsin reps here:

What makes this situation even more disgusting and reprehensible, is the fact exposed in the above quote of how Democrats used their Majority power to pass a tax increase onto the people of Wisconsin of about  $1.2 billion over 3 years back in 2009 with no debate!   They introduced the bill and passed it one the very same day with zero public hearings. A tax increase over a billion dollars was done by the Governor and State Lawmakers with no input from the rest of the Legislators or the people of Wisconsin. The Governor and both houses were under the control of the Democrats at the time. That is hypocrisy to the tenth degree folks. What say the good   folks up there in Wisconsin about that?  Surely the whole state can not be so ignorant as to not call the Liberals on these truths here, can they?

Minority leader Peter Barca proves just how pathetically hypocritical these Democrats are when he stated: ” “The governor and Assembly Republicans are so out of touch that they are willing to resort to these extreme ends to achieve their legislative goals,” Minority Leader Peter Barca said at a news conference.”  Extreme ends Pete? What would you call the episode back in 2009 that we have documented for our readers here? FYI the vote this past week that passed the budget bill was passed at 1 a.m. after 60 hours of solid debate!  Your liberal Democrats and Governor rammed through a billion dollar tax increase after allowing  no debate!

So  here we see a group of extreme hypocrites from the Democratic Party blocking the State Legislature from functioning as the law dictates, while at the same time    rallying  a bunch of  Union cronies with cries of Democracy. Throw in the fact that the majority of the media misfits are strictly on the sides of the Unions here,and we have a hell of a nasty situation.  I  am willing to bet the Wisconsin farm here, that even with all the proof before them, the good people of Wisconsin will take no action against the Democrats, such as recall elections for the Senators illegally hiding to avoid doing their sworn duty. They refuse to open their eyes to the fact that Governor Walker is trying to balance the budget for the sake of all citizens in Wisconsin. We have proven the Democracy Hypocrisy of the Democrats up in Wisconsin right here for all of them to see.  Will they stand behind their duly elected Governor Walker in installing some fiscal sanity for the benefit of everyone, or will they become the next irresponsible State to have to resort to begging for Federal bailouts due to impending bankruptcy?

* https://townhall.com/columnists/debrajsaunders/2011/02/27/the_cheesehead_rubicon

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. What a bunch of pansy babies. They should be ashamed to act like that. Wish they would have arrested them.

  2. yeah arrest those jerks! Don’t they realize we live in a facist state and dissenting with the government isn’t allowed?

    Shame on them for having an opposing viewpoint. Arrest them and send them off to Gitmo for reeducation.

    All Hail Walker!

  3. What part of democracy and the rule of law do you disagree with here kash? The part where elected reps are supposed to actually show up for work in the Senate ? Or the fact that Governor Walker is mandated by the Wisconsin Constitution to pass a balanced budget?

    This isnt a damn thing to do with dissenting with government , as the duly elected Walker is doing what he was elected to do here. Remember the Obama saying? Elections have consequences. The people of Wisconsin cast the votes against liberal crony spending and irresponsible debt mongering through buying elections with Union dues. All the cutsey Che talk in the world wont change that fact.

    Bring some facts instead of just weak trash talk and idiotic rhetoric . You may fit right in with the kooks and ignorant sheep at Media Matters or other Liberal rag sites, but here? You just get shown to be a raving moron with no basis in reality, as far as this article is concerned.
    Damn right I say snatch them up, charge them with violations of the oath they took when they took the job, and then fire their pathetic asses, since they are ignoring the very oath they after begging for the job in the prior elections.

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