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CNN Town Hall Audience Member Asks Beto O’Rourke If He Feels ‘Selfish’ For Spending Millions On His Own Campaign


by Tim Pearce

Texas Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke was asked at a CNN Town Hall Thursday night what he’d tell Texans who claim he’s “selfish” with his campaign money “at the expense of the Democratic Party.”

O’Rourke, who is running to unseat incumbent U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, raised a record-setting amount of money in the third quarter of 2018 — nearly $40 million. With election day on Nov. 6 less than 20 days away, O’Rourke has dropped behind Cruz in polling data by high single digits.

“I’ve seen a lot of publicity recently about the $63 million your campaign has raised. It’s amazing,” an audience member told O’Rourke.

“My question is, what would you tell Texans who think you’re being selfish with your political campaign money at the expense of the Democratic Party, and what will you be doing with the millions your campaign has raised to ensure a strong Democratic turnout in competitive races?”

O’Rourke began his answer telling the audience that Texas has not elected a Democratic U.S. senator in three decades. To break that streak, every dollar must go toward making sure every Texan hears his campaign message, he said.

“I want to make sure that we spare no expense, use every possible resource to make sure that we reach every single person,” O’Rourke said.

O’Rourke relayed the story of one $10 donation.

“Last week, I was in McKinney, Texas, and I met a young woman — 25 years old — who was on her way to her shift at Whataburger. She gave me a $10 donation, and she said, ‘I’m giving this to you because I want you to win. I’m giving this to you because I had a significant medical condition from which I’m recovering. It’s been very hard to get insurance to afford to see that doctor. I’m going to work at Whataburger right now to put myself through school so I can have a better job going forward,’” O’Rourke said.

“I don’t want to take her $10 and give it to another candidate in another state or another race here in Texas if she gave it to me to pursue the goals that we have in common,” O’Rourke added.

He finished reasserting the importance of the upcoming midterms.

“This is the election of our lifetimes. The future and the fortunes and the fate not just of Texas, but I would argue this country hinges on our ability to be successful when we turn out to the polls on the 22nd of October, the first day of early voting, and Nov. 6, Election Day. So I want to make sure we not only run this in the right way, but we win this in the right way,” O’Rourke concluded.

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One Comment

  1. The Democracy-crats are all about government taking care of us. Government is their god! Yeah, the future of American hangs on this election because we have made government so important – in the name of democracy. The democracy-crat’s idea of a better future IS NOT the future they promise. Democracy is the first step toward slavery!

    The Senate is the STOLEN representation to the Federation – the States – and converted to democracy in 1913.

    YES! Stolen!!!

    Article V of the Constitution Forbade the conversion of the Senate without 100% of the States ratification of a Constitutional Amendment and there were at least THREE states that did not ratify the 17th Amendment before it was declared passed.

    I continue to press this as much as I am able so that EVERY Americanist citizen knows it;

    The 17th Amendment is the poster child of how liar progressives (socialists, communists democrats and other vile creepy crawlers) operate through LIES, DECEIT and TRICKERY.

    I prey Texas is smarter than they are….

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