San Antonio, TX: Good People Needed!


This is an email that I received from one of my contacts I have made through my journey in the Foster Care system. If you are interested, or know someone that is, I can personally speak for the authenticity of Mrs. Villarreal.

Need Good People!! Please Pass On!

Dear People I Know,

My company, Pathways, has a contract to provide Hospital Sitting services to children in state care who are hospitalized for medical reasons and require an adult to be present during their stay.  We are looking for help to spread the word and find more people willing to be there for a child in need.  Our referrals range from newborns to teens and a Sitter can sign up for as many or as few “shifts” as they would like when we send out the announcement for a specific child.  The Sitter is there to provide company, document the medical progress and services, and advocate for them if they are in need of immediate attention.  No medical knowledge or experience is required — just some time and a desire to help. Sitters are paid $10 per hour.

I am hoping you’ll share this information with friends, families, co-workers, church members, neighbors, etc. to help us meet the increasing need for this service.  An application packet is attached!  If you have questions please call Suzette at 210-733-7117 or share her email ( with anyone interested.

Thank you!

Danielle Villarreal
Family Specialist
Pathways Youth and Family Services, Inc.
4243 E. Piedras Drive, Ste. 100
San Antonio, TX 78228
(210)733-7117 Phone
(210)733-7118 Fax

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