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Happy Birthday, Israel!

Oh, Israel, with beautiful elegance you are the light of the world. You are a shining city set upon a hill for all the world to see.  Your beauty cannot be hidden from the eyes of the world.

You are being backed into a corner, the entire world coming against you. But you are not forgotten, beautiful Israel! Your divine beauty shines through the darkness that threatens your very existence. These threats will not prevail!

Do not give up hope! You are the apple of God Almighty’s eye! He will never leave you nor forsake you! Call upon His Name; rejoice for you are loved beyond measure!

You are the birthplace of all humanity.  From your very womb all life came to be, spoken into existence from the very mouth of God.

For thousands of years you were in exile. You had no place to call home. Still the exquisite beauty of your soul shone her light through the history of time.

In the year 1948 you returned home.  You are no longer in exile. You are the queen taking her rightful throne.

Because you are chosen by God, you are hated with a vengeance that knows no end. It is a vengeance born from the very pits of hell.

Because you gave birth to very essence of Life, Death hates you. But Death will NEVER prevail over Life!

Hold your head high, Oh Israel! Do not bend your head in shame! You are the rightful heir of a covenant made by God Himself. God does not lie- His promises last forever!

You are honored and blessed even in your time of burdensome troubles. Keep your eyes on The Creator always!

Your time of trouble is not over. In fact, the time is coming when the trouble you will face is like no other time in history. There is Hope, Oh Israel! There IS Hope! My prayers are forever with you!

Happy Birthday, Israel! You are blessed by the Hand of The Creator!

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