
Texas Governor Rick Perry Listens

In an article the beginning of this month, Texans vs TSA, I wrote of how Texas Congressmen caved to the bullying of the federal government, and a bill that had more than 90% of all Texas State Representatives’ support, failed to pass.

Known as the “TSA Anti-Groping Bill”,  Texas HB 1937 would make TSA pat-downs a felony.

To have 90% support for any piece of legislation is almost unheard of. It was expected to pass with flying colors. Then the Justice Department poked their nose in our business and wrote what has been called a “scathing memo” regarding the bill, and threatened legal action against the state of Texas. So as is the norm for politicians, the Texas Sate Representatives tucked tail and ran. And in an instant, the bill, with an overwhelming 90% support, failed in the Texas House.

Texans, being who we are, did not take this lightly. Numerous Facebook groups popped up, a Come and Take It rally, which I highlighted in my previous article, took place on the capital steps, and no telling how many hundreds of thousands of phone calls, emails and tweets were sent to Governor Perry “encouraging” him to add the bill to the agenda  in the Special Session.

Governor Perry is very vocal regarding his belief in States’ Rights. We, the citizens of Texas, challenged him to stand behind his words and not be the “typical politician” spewing hot air. It seems as though he has heard the voice of We The People of the Republic of Texas.  In an article from the Texas Tribune, updated yesterday evening, Governor Perry has indeed added the bill to the agenda for the Special Session.

I hope that the Texas State Representatives realize how serious we, the citizens of Texas, are. We are SICK AND TIRED of the federal government overstepping their boundaries! I truly hope they listen, and vote the way the citizens of Texas want them to vote on the TSA bill. They did not seem to take us seriously before, but they better hear us loud and clear this time:


If you pay attention to politics at all, I am sure there are many rumors surrounding the possibility of Rick Perry running for President in 2012. Governor Perry has shown that he will listen to the voice of We The People. I would have to agree with my colleague- we very well may have found what we are searching for. Have we found Reagan 2.0 in Texas Governor Rick Perry?

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One Comment

  1. One thing is for sure if this man runs for president then every African American better find another country I from New York and moved to Texas this is the most racist place you can live this man is part of the klan this whole state is set up to rob and kill and incarcerate African American if he wins the clock is getting turn back for sure.

    1. WOW! Those are some mighty strong accusations there, Elizabeth! Rick Perry a member of klan? I would love to see your proof.of this! It’s so amazing how you liberals want to throw out the race card in any conversation where you disagree with someone. You might want to take a look at this:


      Texas is known for being one of the nicest places to live with some of the nicest people in the world! Given- we don’t take crap off of people! We believe in living and letting live. And I can assure you…. while there are racists here in Texas, just as there are in every state, every city, every town in the United States- there are PLENTY of people that do not look at the color of a person’s skin at all, but prefer to look at the content of the character of the person! Hmmmm…. seems like I’ve heard that this is the way it should be! OOOOHHHH yeah, I remember now! That was Martin Luther King, Jr. that said that is what should happen, remember?

      Another article you might find helpful since you seem to be so bent on throwing the race card around:

    2. Elizabeth is another liberal race baiter. People like her think that if they scream “racism” enough, it will become true. Funny thing is, if they focused on their OWN, the only KKK membership cards they will find are within the old-democrat party (I believe dead senator KKK Robert Byrd was amongst the last of them).

      If Elizabeth studied Texas history (something Progressives don’t do enough of) she would know that proud white men, like Crockett, stood beside proud mexicans, like Juan Antonio Badillo (one of several Tejano Patriots) dying in the name of Texas independence.

      While it is true Texas became a slave state, and eventually seceded from the union, it was the eastern cotton growing region of the state that democrats depended heavily on slavery. After the slaves were freed, it was democrats (again) who passed strict segregation laws and adopted white supremacy. Throughout the south, democrats enacted Jim Crow laws, forced segregation, and even required blacks to take a literacy exam in order to vote… (these democrats produced men like Senator Robert Byrd).

      The republicans in Texas never once sided with these racists democrats. And Governor Perry is a proud example of that.

    3. and which politician said he wanted to make sure none of the stimulous went to white male construction workers?

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