

Egyptian Protests 2011This past spring we witnessed the flames of revolution across the face of the Arab nations. Old leaders were thrown out and new leaders are taking over. But who are these new leaders and what is their intent? Some believe that the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical group, will be organizing and winning elections in those countries where elections will be allowed. But what is the Muslim Brotherhood? And what is its aim for the Middle East? Were the Revolutions about freedom?

We have heard reports from Egypt that women who participated in the protests have been tested for virginity. We have heard that there have been murders of Christians in Egypt. We have listened to, and read about an American female reporter who was molested, virtually hand raped by Egyptian men in the crowds because the men thought she was Jewish.

These actions are not about freedom, they are about abuse and tyranny.

Our so-called leaders in Washington have decided to contribute to the 40 billion dollars pledged to these Arab nations at the G-8 Summit in France. We cannot afford this, or any other expenditure that is not directly for the American People.

We, the people, will be paying for this and many other “necessary” programs that have been set up (Harry Reid included the Cowboy Poetry Convention in this genre) by Congresses and Presidents in the past as well as during this administration. Our children, grand children and, reaching into the future to our great grand children, will be paying in taxes for all of the frivolous expenditures that they have forced on the American People.

The American Revolution is said to have been based on a Tax Revolt, but it entailed more than just the taxes being imposed on the Colonists. But let’s leave the cause at the taxes for now.

Americans banded together to declare Independence from Britain and upon that action, they created the Articles of Confederation which were used to govern the colonies until the writing of the Constitution was enjoined due to the inadequacies of the Articles. The Bill of Rights is prominent in our Constitution. The United States of America is the first totally free country in the history of the world. You can reach back into the past, but you’ll not find a country that has the rights of the people spelled out more clearly and concisely than in our Constitution.

One of our most precious rights is the Right to Assembly, covered by the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. American people started to wake up and began to assemble in protest against the spending being done by Congress in 2009. We are organized into Tea Parties which are a grass roots movement to tell Washington D.C. that we’re tired of their flippant spending and shoving down our throats legislation that we don’t want.

Symbol of the Tea PartyThe Tea Parties are a new Revolution in this country, one that is peaceful and powerful at the ballot box. We must continue to send the message to the Congress-Critters in the Swamp of Washington D.C. that we’re tired of over taxation, over spending and having unconstitutional legislation thrown at us.

The question we must now ask is, are they listening to us?

And if they are not listening, what is our next move?

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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