Barack Obama: 2012 Presidential Profile


Barack Hussein Obama’s place of birth has been embroiled in controversy. His official date of birth is August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, HI., and some have questioned whether he is legally qualified to serve as President of The United States of America.

He was born Barack Hussein Obama II to Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., who was from the Luo tribe of Kenya. Barack Obama, Sr. already had a wife in Kenya when he met and married Ann Dunham. He later left Ann and Barack, Jr. for a Harvard education. He was later adopted by his step father, Lolo Soetoro from Indonesia.

He is married to Michelle (Robinson) Obama, and they have two daughters.

Attended Occidental College in Los Angelas
1983- BA, Columbia University
1991- JD, Harvard Law School

This is yet another topic that is somewhat of a controversy for Obama. All of his records have been sealed which serves only to stir the pot of controversy even further.

He taught Constitutional Law at The University of Chicago Law School, but there is little information available on his time with the school.

Religious Affiliation
Officially, says he is a member of the United Church of Christ religious denomination.
He attended Trinity Church, which is based on black liberation theology, sitting under Rev. Jeremiah Wright for 20 years. Obama says
Rev. Wright helped “bring me to Christianity.”
He was brought up in the Muslim faith, but was “never religious”.  His school listed him as Muslim.
He is the first President of The United States not raised in a Christian home.

Once again, there is much controversy surrounding President Obama’s religious beliefs and affiliations. 

Professional Career
1985- Chicago Community Organizer
Former Attorney- Sidley and Austin
Former Professor- Constitutional Law, University of Chicago

Political Affiliations

Member of Congressional Black Caucus

Political Campaigns
1996- He was handpicked as successor by retiring State Senator. Obama was the only name on the ballot.
1999- Ran for Congress, but lost
2002- Ran for re-election in the Illinois State Senate, unopposed

Political Career 
2009 to Present- 44th President of The United States of America
2005-2008- United States Senator
1997-2004- Illinois State Senator

2004- Keynote Speaker at the Democratic National Convention

Political Accomplishments
Obamacare – (officially called the Affordable Care Act of 2010)

Ranked “Most Liberal” in Senate
First Black President in American History

Member- Center for Neighborhood and Technology
Member- Chicago Annenberg Challenge
Member- Cook County Bar
Member- Cook County Bar Association Community Law Project
Board Member- Joyce Foundation
Member- Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law
Member- Leadership for Quality Education
Board Member- Woods Fund of Chicago
Former President- Harvard Law Review

1995- Participated in Million Man March

Government Committees
Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee
Foreign Relations Committee
Veterans Affairs Committee
2005 and 2006- Served on the Environment and Public Works Committee

Special Interests
** For a full list of all Special Interest ratings, grades and comments, visit the links at the bottom of the page for On The Issues and Project Vote Smart **

Pro-Choice Organizations

  • Supports Roe v Wade
  • Strong supporter of Planned Parenthood
  • Rated 100% by NARAL on pro-choice votes in 2005, 2006, and 2007
  • Strong Supporter of National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association

Race Related Organizations

  • Strongly supports NAACP
  • Strongly supports National Council of La Raza


  • United Auto Workers
  • Supports the National Association of Government Contractors
  • Supports American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees League of Women Voters
  • Wants to give public safety officers collective bargaining rights
  • 2006- Said he owes unions who endorsed him, that’s why he’s in politics
  • DOES NOT support National Taxpayers Union, who gave him a grade of F

NOW– National Organization for Women
Though he supports this initiative, he DOES NOT support the initiatives of Concerned Women For America

On The Issues
Believes The Constitution of The United States of America is a living document and has no strict constructionism
2010-  Said, “Constitution is stained by nation’s original sin of slavery”

Believes Keynesian theory that government spurs economy

Somewhat “wishy-washy” on gay rights

  • Believes gay rights movement is somewhat like the civil rights movement
  • 1996- Opposed Illinois DOMA bill
  • 2004- Marriage is not a human right
  • 2006- Opposes gay marriage, supports civil unions and equality

Is somewhat wishy-washy on American Exceptionalism

  • November 2010- Said American exceptionalism is same as any other exeptionalism
  • Said he does not refuse to wear an American Flag pin, but FactCheck confirms that yes, he did refuse to wear an American
    Flag pin in 2008

Campaigned that he would close Gitmo within a year of being sworn in- Gitmo is currently still in operation
Promised to repeal Patriot Act, then voted for it

Strongly Supports:
Stem Cell Research
Share The Wealth” mentality of “Tax The Rich
Big Government Proponent
Affirmative Action
2004- Said African Americans vote Democratic because of issues stances.
Global Government

  • December 2009- Said, “I am only at the beginning of my labors on the world stage.”
  • Citizens for Global Solutions has given him “A+”

Gun Control

Government Healthcare

Net neutrality

Strongly Opposes

  • Believes moral accusations from pro-lifers are counterproductive
  • Has never supported a Pro-Life initiatives such as Right to Life
  • Undecided on whether or not life begins at conception
  • Voted NO on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP
  • Voted NO on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion
  • Voted YES on expanding research on more embryonic stem cell lines
  • Voted NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions
  • Opposed legislation protecting born-alive failed abortions
  • 1997- Opposed bill preventing partial-birth abortion
  • 1997- Voted against banning partial-birth abortions
  • 1990- Wrote law article that the fetus cannot sue mother.

Anti-Business voting record and policies
 Has taken a stance that is anti-Israel

  • Supports a “two-state solution”, but has called on Israel to return to her 1967 borders

Government Reform
Gun Rights

  • Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers

Voted NO on declaring English as the official language of The United States Government

1993- Crain’s Chicago Business- “40 Under 40” Award
1994- Monarch Award for Outstanding Public Service
1997- Independent Voters of Illinois- Best Freshman Legislator Award
1998- Outstanding Legislator Award, Campaign for Better Health Care and Illinois Primary Health Care Association
2005- Rock the Vote- Rock the Nation Award
2005- Christopher House- Harold Blake Walker Award
2005- New Statesman- 10 people who will change the world
2005- Time Magazine- 100 most influential people in the world
2005- Chairman’s Award- National Association for the Advancement Colored People
2006- Grammy Award- Best Spoken Word Album
2008- Grammy Award- Best Spoken Word Album
2009- Nobel Peace Prize for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”

His Administration
Van Jones – Former Green Jobs Czar
Carol Browner– Energy and Climate Change Czar
Eric Holder– Attorney General
Maria del Carmen Aponte– Ambassador to El Salvador
Mark Lloyd– “Chief Diversity Officer” at the FCC
Cass Sustein– Information and Regulatory Affairs Czar
Ron Bloom– Manufacturing Czar
John Holdren– Science and Technology Czar
Kevin Jennings– Safe School Czar

 A Czar is an appointee of the President that has no Congressional oversight nor is the role provided for in our three branch system.

With the appointment of so many “czars”  (the total number of czars in 2011 is 39) into powerful positions, our government has taken on an entirely new look. We are seeing the consequences of what happens when the executive branch has too much power and it goes unchecked.  

Questionable Friends
Worked in the same community as Saul Alinksy
Bill Ayres– 1970’s violent radical
Tony Rezko 

Perceptions of his Presidency
He is said to be in the running to hold the title as “worst president in U.S. history“, with only two other contenders: Jimmy Carter and James Buchanan.



1995- “Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance”
2006- “The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream”
2006- “It Takes a Nation: How Strangers Became Family in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina”

In previous articles, I have stated that President Barack Obama could have been the best president this country has ever seen! Though I personally disagree with him on almost every political issue, he is in a very unique position in many ways. Yes, he is the first black president of The United States. Barack Obama could have been the greatest unifier this nation has ever seen! However, he has gone the opposite direction. Sadly, he play the race card as often as possible, pitting the black communities against the white communities at every opportunity he can find. It is truly sad to see a man who’s own mother had “milky white skin”  cling to racism as he does. I am not so naiive as to think that there were not race related issues going on before President Obama stepped into office, however, had he worked in a positive way, rather than the negative, this country could have truly begun to heal from centuries of true racism. Instead, he is the greatest divider this country has ever known.

Re-election Campaign
An Honest Campaign Ad 

In The News
Black Caucus: Tired of Making Excuses for Obama 
Bus Tour Criticized By Fellow Democrat 
New Low of 26% Approval Rate for Obama 
AP: On The Road With Obama- A Hunt For Photo Ops 
Trump on Obama: Takes More Vacations Than Any Human Being I’ve Ever Seen 
Plan B For Obama Family Vacation 
Obama: Another Year or More for Housing Turn Around 
Obama “Volunteer” Praised For Saying Wealthy Need To Pay Fair Share
Obama Dismisses Farmer’s Concerns About Regulations- “Don’t Always Believe What You Hear” 
Inflation Up Most in 6 Months 
Food Prices Rise 
Unemployment Continues To Rise 

On The Web
Barack Obama Official Campaign Website
Barack Obama on Facebook
Barack Obama on Twitter 


The Gateway Pundit (Czars) 

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