For the People, By the People, Of the People

Mr. Obama will soon present his new job creation plan, no doubt something similar to his other rhetoric. These stimulus packages and printing more money cannot solve the problems we, as a nation, are experiencing, yet that is always part of Mr. Obama’s solution. How many jobs and how will did those packages work the last time? Mr. Obama believes in government control and big government. But the reality is, for the American people to truly understand what is happening in Washington and truly realize the actual goals of this government; they would need to get a firm grasp on the issues at hand. How many of you can say you truly understand what is needed to create jobs and get this country moving along into economic prosperity? It really isn’t that difficult, what is difficult is having to decipher the constant rhetoric and untruths of corrupt politicians whose motivation is stimulated by their own greed and arrogance.
For corporations to return to the United States, thereby creating jobs for the American people it would require the government to lower current tax rates so they are competitive with other countries. Currently the United States has the highest tax rate on businesses than any other country in the world. The government would also have to restructure and minimize regulations on businesses. Right now most businesses cannot afford to stay in this country; the regulations continue to grow, and most business owners cannot survive. Take a look around you – In every nook and cranny of this country businesses are failing. How many abandoned sites do you see on a daily basis? Look, and keep looking.
As our Constitution is being dismantled on daily basis, and as the American people remain disengaged, the ideals of our forefathers along with everything they put into place in an effort to protect this country, is slowly disappearing. People like Pelosi and Reed, as well as others, forget that the government is: FOR the PEOPLE, BY the PEOPLE, and OF the PEOPLE – they need to be reminded of that.