Liberal Doctrine: Just “Give a Sh#t” [Video]

Nikki Reed introduces to the world a new organization that intends to solve the world’s problems by doing … nothing.  Its another liberal hopey-dreamy type movement and Reed says “If enough people take the time to simply give a shit about the world’s problems, even if they don’t actually do anything but just give a shit about them, the world’s problems will cease to exist.”

The ad is sponsored by MTV and should appeal greatly to the current generation of  liberal teenagers and young adults. Having a Utopian dream that could somehow be achieved by doing nothing fits nicely into their unicorn-laden fantasy world.

Now there is yet one more movement/organization/cause for the quick-to-riot, unguided youth of the left to follow and this one requires even less of them than all the rest while promising even more.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

    1. I don’t think “We” have hit a new low. “We,” being the majority of decent Americans, simply recognize this for what it is: Liberal garbage. Part of their “String’em out on drugs first, then dumb them down with nonsense.”

      Thank God I raised my kids better than the audience they are seeking to attract here.

      1. You are correct, that “we, the majority of decent Americans”, but unfortunately, the liberal garbage is infiltrating every facet of society. Even taking the family to the store or any other outing they are exposed to things in the general public that I would never have imagined would be the “norm”.

        1. “…the liberal garbage is infiltrating every facet of society. Even taking the family to the store or any other outing they are exposed to things in the general public that I would never have imagined would be the “norm”.”

          Very true. I never really thought of the protection I have for my family as protecting them from Liberal garbage, but it is a fact. Liberals have infected every nook and cranny of society with their filth; lets just review a few… Video games that kill cops, day care centers in high schools (not for teachers mind you… but for students), school abortions without parent notification, the effort to legalize drugs, teaching 11 year olds about the birds and the bee’s, etc etc etc.

          Liberalism = smelly garbage

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