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Jobs Bill Goes Down in Flames in Senate Vote

President Obama’s fabled American Jobs Act failed in a vote in the United States Senate last night, 50-49. While the AP states that “The Senate Republicans voted last night to ‘kill’ the jobs package,” Democratic Senators Ben Nelson and Jon tester both also voted against Obama’s jobs bill. They are both up for reelection in states Obama figures to lose in next year’s elections. With both Democratic Senators acknowledging that a vote for this fake jobs bill could very well get them fired next year due to the obvious fact that the voters do not approve of this bill, then why would the rest of the Democrats be voting against the wishes of the people once again? (as they did in the Obama-care vote) This is further proof that when we the people say no more fake Stimulus packages, no new taxes, and no more government intervention into our lives, we mean it! (and will vote accordingly) The GOP now seems to be “getting it” and yet the Democrats still do not seem capable of understanding just what message we were sending in the historic beating they took in the 2010 elections, and what it was all about.

Harry Reid-the-game-player even went so far as to pull another trick last night in trying to shove this jobs bill down Americans throats against the wishes of the majority of the citizens. He actually voted against Barack Obama’s jobs bill! After all of his ranting and raving up on the Senate floor in trying to rally the Democrats to pass the jobs bill, why in the world would Harry then turn around and vote against it? I,ll let the AP tell you why:

The $447 billion plan died on a 50-49 tally that garnered a majority of the 100-member Senate but fell well short of the 60 votes needed to keep the bill alive. The tally had been 51-48, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., switched his vote to “nay” so that he could force a future revote.

(emphasis mine)

Harry Reid just nuked the U.S. Senate in order to supposedly stop unnecessary debates in the Senate to be able to devote more time to deal with “all of the important business” that they need to do, and yet sets up another waste of time jobs bill vote by changing his own vote. Harry the hypocrite strikes again.

Harry isn’t giving up on ramming Obama’s fake jobs bill down American’s throats, and neither is Barack: “Tonight’s vote is by no means the end of this fight,” Obama said in a statement after the vote. “Because with so many Americans out of work and so many families struggling, we can’t take `no’ for an answer.” Once again, we the people say we will kick anyone out of office voting for this retread of the failed stimulus fraud, and Obama says “we won’t take no for an answer.” Barack also says that any Senator who votes no on this measure should have to look the voters in the eye and explain why they voted against it. Explaining why they honored the wishes of we the people and voted down your fake jobs bill isn’t difficult at all Mr. President, especially while I’m patting my Senators on the back for listening to the hundreds of calls we made demanding that they vote down your Stimulus 2.0. Jobs are needed for all Americans, not just your Union bed-pals and campaign donors. Now that is has been defeated, do you think our President will actually get off the Pass My Jobs Bill campaign trail and do the job he as elected to do in the future? Don’t count on it, as he has stated that he won’t take no for an answer. When we the people vote him out of our White House in 2012, maybe he will wish he had said “YES WE CAN: listen to the people, instead of asking his stage props at his way-too-numerous campaign tours to chant “Four more years.” We can’t take four more years of 9.1% unemployment, big government expansion and the massive push towards Socialism that has come with the hope and change fraud of 2008. We can’t.. and we won’t.

UPDATE: Senator Mike Lee explained to Greta Van Susteren, just why the Jobs Bill failed in the Senate.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Why dont you list the vote tally? Its sort of a well kept secret on the web. Guess they dont want the public to know how each officholder voted.

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