Obama Delivers "Pass My Jobs Bill" Speech ( #19 in 2 weeks)

 President Obama just wrapped up his most recent speech  (112 minutes of it) in which he both started and ended with the temper-tantrum-like, “Pass My Jobs Bill Now” obvious 2012 reelection style campaign rhetoric. President Obama spent an ample amount of his TV time today towards blaming Republicans for not passing his jobs bill already, even though it is in fact, Harry Reid and Senate Democrats who have refused to vote on it. Last we heard Mr. President,  it is a known fact that Congress is made up of both parties, and your Liberal Democrats hold the majority in the U.S. Senate today, just in case you weren’t aware of that fact. It is nothing short of amazing in how the lead- mouthpiece of the Liberal Party USA, Barack Obama can never seem to find a thing that Democrats are responsible for during the last 5 straight years of Congressional rule. ( 2007-2010 plus Senate rule today ) When it comes to any criticism, it is like they don’t exist in Obama’s world. It was just announced that, after being exposed by Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell yesterday on the Senate floor in his refusal to act on Obama’s demands to vote on the jobs bill, Harry Reid has now agreed to hold a vote on Obama’s supposed jobs bill. Good luck Harry. Last we heard, Obama’s supposed jobs bill has bi-partisan opposition in the U.S.Senate.



President Obama was asked if he would sign the current Chinese Currency Manipulation bill in Congress which has bi-partisan support , which he totally dodged by talking about the history of China’s doing just that, yet once again he refused to be clear as to whether he would sign the bill as asked. That non-committal to denounce China as a currency manipulator is exactly how China has gotten away scott-free for decades without any firm repercussions.

When asked about the current Solyndra pay-for-play scandal where half a billion tax dollars were funneled into Democratic campaign coffers, Obama stayed on message in denying any wrong-doing, and also said it is up to the Dept. of Energy to take these risks on behalf of the taxpayer in so many words. FYI, Mr. President, the political appointees in fact, do not have authorization to “make bets” with taxpayer dollars any where in the U.S. Constitution. As a much-ballyhooed Constitutional scholar, one would think you would know better than to to try to sell that load of bunk there.

President Obama once again defended his political operative over at the DOJ,  Eric Holder in trying to convince the public that Holder knew nothing about the Fast and Furious government-sponsored gun-running program that resulted in the murder of 2 border agents and hundreds of citizens .E-mails and other correspondence prove Holder and the Obama administration were in fact informed about that program and allowed it to proceed. Again we see that President Obama refuses to hold anyone accountable for this travesty of injustice. Simply denying the facts will not make it go away Mr. President, as you are starting to see by Rep. Darell Issa now demanding a special prosecutor, promising to “get to the bottom of it, no matter what it takes.”


President Obama took some parting shots again at the GOP towards the end of his latest TV appearance, where he demanded that they tell him what they do not agree with in his jobs plan several Republicans have already expressed these concerns, but maybe Obama missed them, considering he has been on the campaign trail for the better part of two straight weeks now. As a voting citizen, I have one simple problem with Obama’s supposed jobs plan and a very simple way to solve what I see as the biggest problem with his supposed desire to “create or save” jobs in America. Pass the bill on one condition: Every contract funded by this jobs bill must be put up for bids in order to ensure the taxpayer gets the most bang for their buck. That way, all of the infrastructure, road-building and new construction projects in Obama’s new jobs plan, will not be used to buy Union crony-capitalists votes for his 2012 reelection campaign. What say you Congress? Draw up the amendment and then take that message to “We the people” that you will in fact, pass Obama’s jobs bill as long as it does not cut out the 85% of the workers in this country who do not belong to Unions.  That’s all Obama’s latest stimulus plan 2.0 is, that he is trying to sell to Congress so heavily recently.  As far as We the People running Republicans out of town if they don’t pass your fake jobs bill, the main target to be run out of town as of right now is you Mr, President, which is backed up the recent number of your very own 55% disapproval ratings show. Gosh, how I hate having to watch these retreads of Obama’s campaign speeches that always contain a heavy dose of blaming everything under the sun for his blatant failures as the leader of this country, instead of taking one ounce of responsibility. 2012 just can’t get here fast enough.



Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. I just called my Congressman Ross (R-Fl) and asked him to make an amendment to cut Unions out of Obamas jobs bill funding and then tell Obama we will pass it. See last paragraph in this article. Maybe if enough people call their reps we can expose Obamas UNION payback scheme in his jobs bill. I,m sick of all this jobs talk and we never see one job from it. That stems from the bill where they gave ALL federal construction contracts over 25m to UNIONS. Call your reps please, let’s call Obama’s bluff here.

  2. Its hard for me to restrain myself from doing violent things to my tv whenever Obama is on it talking about “fostering competition” and growing the economy through regulation and spending. Grrrrr!!!!!

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