The American Jobs Act and The Games Harry Plays

  President Obama wants his jobs bill passed. Does everyone understand that now?  For those of you living in a cave in Iraq without wi-fi, there is a supposed jobs bill here in America, and President Obama wants it passed right now, today, no questions asked! Obama wants you to know that if Congress does not pass his jobs bill, he will be on TV, on a bus tour across America and in the news every single day until… the 2012 elections continuing his very unpresidential  "Pass My Jobs Bill" temper tantrum. That is what he promised/threatened to do in his 112 minute speech to the nation yesterday. That, and blame Republicans again. Is the President of the United States so out of touch with the voting public that he thinks this type of childish tantrum on national TV will magically persuade the 54% of people who now disapprove of Barack Obama to vote for "four more years?"  


  The first hurdle towards passing Obama’s jobs bill reared it’s ugly head in the Unites States Senate on Wednesday. This was seen in the example of an epic battle between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (L-D) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R).  Harry did not have the votes needed to pass the jobs bill due to bi-partisan opposition and Mitch wanted a vote on it right then and there on Weds. In this battle of Senate titans, which was televised in it’s entirety on Cspan, ( yes we watch Cspan now and then) we saw Harry capitulate, grovel and complain, while yet not really explaining why he refused to give Obama his much-demanded vote on the jobs bill. Mitch held his ground and said " Let’s give the President the vote he wants here today." Back and forth, over and over, both aging fighters were hitting each other with the all-to-common politically correct verbal feather punches and counter-hugs, punches. Neither man would back down and this battle looked to end in a stalemate by Weds. evening. On Thursday, President Obama went on another 112 minute rant to the nation stating that they had better pass his jobs bill or the people would "run them out of town." ( referring to Republicans only , because Democrats had nothing to do with the 6 trillion dollars of debt they have slapped onto the backs of our children, according to Obama) By this time the nation was being exposed to Harry’s games in the Senate by citizen journalists, political activists, and grassroots Tea Party groups across America. Immense pressure was being put on poor old Harry Reid, and he seemed to crack near the end of Obama’s speech, as Fox news announced that Harry Reid would indeed allow the Senate to hold a vote on Obama’s jobs bill later on that day. ( Thursday)  Apparently, this was just another of Harry Reid’s  irresponsible games being played once again, because as of right now, it looks like the vote was not held. We all know how  by now Harry’s past games have been played. Remember when he was caught bribing Senators Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA) during the health-care debate? That resulted in what are known as the Corn-husker kick-back and the new Louisiana Purchase in which your own tax dollars were used to buy their votes for Obama-care. Harry Reid has been playing these types of games for decades up there in the U.S. Senate. (at taxpayers expense) When harry announced that they would vote on the jobs bill yesterday, he must have had some more kick-back schemes lined up, in which he thought he could buy the votes needed to pass the jobs bill. The vote did not happen last night as had been announced. While the reasons for it  not happening are not yet clear, it now looks like Harry Reid is losing at his own game.

    Why is there bi-partisan opposition to Obama’s jobs bill ?  

Maybe it is the fact that the jobs bill really isn’t a jobs bill after all, upon closer inspection? What if it is proven that Barack Obama is fighting not for jobs for ordinary citizens, but is, in fact simply begging for another half a trillion taxpayer dollars to pay back his vote-buying Union bed-pals, assorted crony-capitalists such as G.E., and  strengthen his campaign coffers just like he did with the 826-billion-dollar-taxpayer-fraud now know as the fake stimulus package ?  That debacle did not stop us from  the current 9.1% unemployment rate we have which is crushing the middle class of America. The bullet points in Obama’s latest Stimulus Package-light  run right along with the same lines as the lies that were told during the last stimulus package propaganda tour, except that this time we are being promised that. "The U/E rate will drop a couple of points," instead of the fallacy of 8% that Obama told us the last time we saw this scheme to defraud the American taxpayer. When researching The American Jobs Act in a browser, the first 15-20 pages are all from teachers unions and assorted Obama political operatives that are nothing more than parroting Obama’s misleading talking points verbatim. As Obama’s lifelong pal, Weather-underground terrorist and Chi-town community organizer Bill Ayer’s always says, " Tell a lie long enough, and the uninformed masses will eventually believe it." How many times have we seen Barack Obama on TV, on the radio, in the faux news fluff pieces, and flying around the country in perpetual campaign mode demanding that Congress pass his jobs bill now and put " Americans back to work" recently? .Too many to count. Tell the lies loud enough and long enough and the sheep will eventually believe it. That is why Barack Obama is spending millions of taxpayer dollars and wasting valuable time demanding his jobs bill be passed, time that could be better spent governing and leading this country, instead of  preaching about this Stimulus-light. 

If Obama”s jobs bill was designed to actually help Americans get back to work, then the bill would simply sell itself to Congress.  That did not happen.

In an article from, we see just why Obama’s jobs bill seems to be stuck in the mud in Congress and doomed to sink:

Transportation funding: The bill sets aside $50 billion for transportation projects, mostly in the form of grants and guaranteed loans, including $27 billion for “immediate transportation infrastructure investments” on highway and rail projects, including:

  • $4 billion in grants for “high-speed rail projects,” at least 85 percent of which must be spent on “the development of entire segments or phases of intercity or high-speed rail corridors.”

  • $2 billion (on top of that $4 billion) for Amtrak.

  • $2 billion for “airport improvement.”

  • $105 million for “the Puerto Rico highway program.”

  The Transportation department, run by Ray LaHood has seen huge increases in taxpayer funding since Obama took office, yet we still stare 9.1% long-term unemployment in the face today. Remember the "shovel-ready jobs" promise during the original stimulus rip-off ? A huge part of as to why all of the transportation/infrastructure spending of Stimulus 1 failed was because that  Unions now get all federal construction contracts over $25 million dollars. No bids are allowed by private companies unless they are Unionized, no getting the best price for the taxpayer-funded projects, thus shutting out small companies that are not politically connected and Unionized. Federal transportation spending under Barack Obama has already increased by a whopping 549% !    In 2008 we spent $10.7B and in the last two years under Obama we have spent..$58.7 billion dollars in transportation and infrastructure funding, yet  we have seen very little improvement in our infrastructure, as Obama himself stated in his last speech. Why is that? If we add the 50 billion dollar increase in transportation spending that is asked for in the jobs bill, transportation spending will have increased by 1016% since 2008 levels. No that is not a typo, it is actually a 1016% increase in transportation spending. If we cut Obama’s Union bed-pals out of the picture and actually put these contracts up for fair bids, we just might see some actual improvement, instead of just a bunch of government signs stating how great the stimulus scheme was doing for us all.

Just like when Congress illegally created the FFB Congressional loan sharking bank for themselves back in 1973, Obama’s jobs bill also creates another "bank." 

Infrastructure bank: The AJA establishes the “American Infrastructure Financing Authority” (a.k.a. the infrastructure bank) as a “wholly owned government corporation.” The purpose of this new “government corporation,” is according to the bill, “to facilitate investment in, and long-term financing of, economically viable infrastructure projects of regional or national significance.

Who decides which projects are “economically viable” and “of regional or national significance”? A board of unelected bureaucrats, that’s who. AIFA’s board of directors will consist of 7 members, each appointed by the president, “not more than 4 of which” can be from the same political party. They will preside over an annual fund of $10 billion that is set to grow to $20 billion after two years, before settling at $50 billion (annually) after 10 years. By 2014, AIFA’s “administrative costs” alone will reach up to $50 million per year. A few other notable provisions of the infrastructure bank:

It Creates a “Center for Excellence to provide technical assistance to public sector borrowers.”Contains a provision prioritizing “geographic diversity” in the selection of projects for funding. Nothing to see there folks, just move along.

Additionally, there is billions of dollars in Green Energy Solyndra-style fraud and taxpayer abuse embedded into the jobs bill that is sure to enrage many Americans upon discovery. We also have President Obama once again saying this jobs is completely paid for and will not increase our national debt. What the people need to be told is the fact that this fake jobs bill which is really just another stimulus fraud, will in fact be paid for by massive tax increases. Add  to that the so-called millionaires surtax of an additional 5.6% that was slipped into the Senate jobs bill yesterday, on Obama’s orders and we see the fact that Obama is indeed breaking numerous additional stated promises about "not raising taxes during the current recession." Another aspect of this farce of a jobs bill comes out into the sunlight when we research The American Jobs Act on the internet. As stated above the first 15-20 pages are mainly from teachers unions saying how wonderful it is that Barack will be putting them "back to work" with his jobs bill. In keeping things real, I just went down to do a simple poll at the local bus stop.There were 18 kids there this morning waiting for the school bus, ranging from 10 yrs old to 18. I asked a simple question: "Have any of you been sitting in a classroom where there was no teacher present at any point during this school year ? " Of course that has never happened they all stated. "How could we be out here going to school if there were no teachers in class? ",  a 10 year old asked me. My point exactly. So much for "Putting the valuable teachers back to work with his jobs bill" propaganda Obama spewed yesterday. When the teacher’s Unions explode the number of teachers to an unmanageable level, the first to go during common sense budget cuts are the ones whom are essentially worthless or were not needed to begin with. That is just a plain hard fact of life that even a 10 year old can understand.

Senate Majority obstructionist and denier of reality, Harry Reid  is simply playing a game he cannot win when it comes to passing Obama’s fake jobs bill. Realistic Senate Democrats  up for reelection in 2012, will note vote for this bill simply because they couldn’t ram it though quickly enough, as was Barack Obama’s plan.The people are wise to this Stimulus-light  jobs bill fraud, and are getting wiser by the minute, much to Harry’s dismay. The more we look into this jobs bill, the more we see that it is not an actual jobs bill that was designed to help the working class people of America. House Speaker Boehner is very aware of that fact, and poses yet another problem for Harry Reid in getting Obama’s jobs bill passed. Good luck Harry. 2012 just can’t get here fast enough. 

 UPDATE:  This just in:  Reid triggers ‘nuclear option’ to change Senate rules, end repeat filibusters.  As I stated earlier in this article, Harry Reid has been playing the nasty game of partisan, totalarianist  politics for a long time now. Hold your ground Mr. McConnell.



Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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