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Occupy Tampa ( all 7 of them) Say Tampa PD Using Tanks to Threaten Them

The following video comes to us via 10 NEWS-Tampa Bay, Florida, from an article titled, Are Tampa police using tanks to threaten Occupy protestors? Day in and day out we are inundated with false-flag sensationalism-seeking “news” headlines posed as questions such as this one. To prove this point unequivocally, the article and video itself tell us NO, Tampa PD is not in fact threatening Occupy Tampa with a tank, as their headline implies.

Members of the Occupy Tampa movement say TPD is cruising by in the big, armored trucks. Pictures spread around the country over Facebook and Twitter, leading to speculation that TPD was moving in with the tanks.”I think that it’s just another brick in a larger program of intimidation,” said protestor Joe Jay.

To which Tampa PD replies that it was just a coincidence, as the vehicle was in route to the Great American teach-in event being held in Tampa at the time. Of course that doesn’t stop 10 news from trying to further the irresponsible false-flag denouncing of our honorable police departments across America, as we see in their following paragraph:

That controversy comes as officials in California investigate why police pepper-sprayed non-violent protestors on the campus of UC-Davis over the weekend.

Which has been proven to have been a pre-planned set-up to prevent police from removing Occupiers across the country who are breaking the law by paralyzing them with false charges of police brutality.

After sifting through 150 pages on Google, every one of them spreading misinformation about the UC Davis pepper spray incident, I found this headline from NewsBusters: UC Davis Student Admits Protesters Surrounded Cops and Wouldn’t Let Them Leave

As Occupy-loving media continue to express outrage over protesters getting pepper-sprayed by campus police officers at the University of California at Davis last week, a surprising admission by one of the attendees was uncovered in an interview Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman did Monday.
One of the pepper-sprayed students told Goodman, “We had encircled them [campus police], and they were trying to leave, and they were trying to clear a path. And so, we sat down, linked arms, and said that if they wanted to clear the path, they would have to go through us

In the meantime, thousands of media outlets on TV and the internet are falsely portraying these incidents as police brutality and the uninformed masses are eating it up like starving hyenas at an all-you-can-eat free buffet today. Marxist/Anarchist operational methods call for the complete paralysis of the police force to prevent them from enforcing the rule of law. This is what is behind all of these false-flag police brutality claims coming from within the Occupy protests. Beware of the irresponsible media operatives promoting the degradation of our honorable police forces by promoting the lawlessness of the Occupy protests today. While people may laugh at the ignorant buffoons in the first video trying to claim the Tampa PD threatened them with a tank, take note that the false flag News 10-Tampa article was also used as a vehicle to promote and parrot the lies about the UC Davis pepper spray incident in it. One last aspect that seems to be forgotten in all of this false-flag police brutality, is the common-sense fact that pepper spray is an approved non-lethal weapon that is nationally approved to subdue criminals with out harming them. Refute the UC Davis supposed police brutality-pepper spray lies every time you see or hear them being parroted on the internet and across America. Without laws and law enforcement we are in a world of trouble. We need to support our law enforcement officers, not allow them to be paralyzed into not enforcing our laws with false claims of police brutality by the Occupy common criminals. Support the cops, not the criminals!

2012 just can’t get here fast enough!

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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