CAIR’s Continued Whitewashing of Jihad and Attack of Free Speech

A recent report by FrontPageMag, reveals CAIR’s latest attempts to stifle opposition of Islam and hide attempts at Jihad in the United States. The Muslim Brotherhood front group continues to pressure federal and local officials, as well as law enforcement agencies, into removing any traces of radical Islam and it’s agenda for America from their literature and training manuals.
A recent article on CAIR’s website stated: “The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced today that 15 of its chapters nationwide have filed 87 separate public records requests about possible Islamophobic training of local, state and national law enforcement personnel. CAIR is seeking information about state-level trainings that may have used federal taxpayer dollars to fund anti-Muslim trainers, a phenomenon highlighted in recent research and media reports.”
Director of Communications for CAIR Los Angeles, Munira Syeda, recently defended the actions of of group of Muslims students associated with the radical Muslim Student Union. Apparently, unable to wait till the end for the Q & A session, the students were found guilt of disrupting a speech which was being presented by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren on US-Israeli relations. Repeatedly, the students were asked to stand down as they shouted numerous epitaphs and went as far as to ask “How many Palestinians did you kill?” While the students and Syeda viewed this as an exercise in 1st Amendments rights, Judge Peter J. Wilson did not, and sentenced the students to 56 hours of community service and three years of informal probation.
Syeda also condemned a rally protesting Siraj Wahhaj (an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center attack) who was speaker at a Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) fundraiser held at a community center in Orange County, California last February. While the protestors were adamant in their cause, they did so peacefully and 50 yards away from the community center entrance. Councilwoman and Republican Party Vice Chair Deborah Pauly who also was upset with the pro-Jihadi guest list was quoted saying to the protestors “Let me tell you what’s going on over there right now – make no bones about it – that is pure, unadulterated evil. … I know quite a few Marines who would be very happy to help these terrorists to an early meeting in paradise.” Strong words, yes, but not illegal and was spoken outside without heckling the event.
It possibly could be ascertained that CAIR is a proponent of free speech, for CAIR, and just as long as is does not paint the wrong image of Islam and expose Jihad.