
Gay Liberal Rep. Barney Frank Calls it Quits: Good Riddance

After 32 long years of representing Massachusetts District 04 in the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Barney Frank has announced he will not be running for reelection in 2012. The openly gay Liberal (see fake Democrat) says his new district lines would force him to campaign aggressively, a task his 71 year old body may not be up to handling any longer. With the other half of the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, Chris Dodd out in California working as a stealth lobbyist for the Hollywood motion picture association, now both [supposed] financial reform architects will be far away from DC by the time the real nasty elements of the Dodd-Frank bill start to be enforced in the coming years.

Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

When researching other articles about Frank’s retirement, there was one disgusting pattern of irresponsibility in pushing of the gay lifestyle embedded in many of the so called news articles. Being an effective legislator is one thing, but celebrating someone’s perversions of sexual relationships such as in the same sex lifestyle of Barney Frank, as being supposedly some kind of heroic example for our children to follow is a disgusting bunch of societal manipulation that should be called out every time it rears it’s ugly, perverted head in our society today! While the ignorant puppet-parrots of the left might not mind their children going to sleep with visions of Barney Frank mounting his man-child lover whom worked at Fannie Mae, or vice-versa, as in gay Liberal Barney Frank being mounted by his man-child lover, you sick, demented, perverted parasites of the left need to keep your queer lifestyles out of all of America’s children’s lives and schools. Parents, you need to pay attention more so than ever today. For those of you who want grandchildren from your own bloodlines, maybe you should be teaching your children about how the fact that them giving you authentic grandchildren of your bloodlines and lineage becomes an impossibility when 2 men or 2 women marry each other.

Gay Liberal Barney Frank is getting out of Congress right before many of his Dodd-Frank financial rules take effect. His bed-pal (pun intended) in the Dodd-Frank bill has already high-tailed it out of DC. The Dodd-Frank [supposed] financial reform bill has some nasty elements yet to be exposed, and gay-boy-lover Frank does not want to be around when those facts come to light.The Dodd-Frank {supposed} financial reform, bill did not address the biggest fraud that caused the housing crash of 2008 in the first place: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and Progressives everyone-deserves-a-house-regardless-of-
proven-ability-to-pay vote-begging schemes of the 2006-2008 elections. Yes, the Progressive Gay Liberal Barney Frank is finally retiring from Congress.

Good frigging riddance!

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