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Occupy Wall Street Protestor Says: I Hope 9/11 Happens Again Right Now

Hat tip to Jihad Watch and blogger, Stranahan, for sharing this one with the world.  An “occupy” protestor who goes by the name “Ralph” said (on camera) that he hopes “9/11 happens again right now”.  The interview seems strange though, because he points at a building that he said the plane could hit, and I’m pretty sure he would perish if such an attack would have happened.  Check out the video below, and be warned… Ralph has a potty mouth. (PROFANITY alert)

What do you guys think?  Did they just catch Ralph on a bad day, or do you think it’s possible that some of these protestors would be okay with another 9/11 happening today?  As proponents of free speech, we can’t take away his right to say it, but words like this sound pretty cold to me.

Let us know in the comments below, or you can catch us on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter too.

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One Comment

  1. Right’s come with the obligation to use them wisely. I have the Right to Bear and Keep Arms, that right does not include using a weapon against the Government or People of the United States, then it’s called Armed Insurrection or Rebellion and it carries some very stiff penalties

    Free Speech also comes with an obligation to use it wisely.. part of that obligation is not to use it in a manor that gives aid or comfort to America’s Enemies or encourages hostile foreign powers to attack us, then it’s called treason, and it carries some very stiff penalties.

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