
Humble in Hollywood

When you are a part of what has been called “the best show on television” by critics, you would probably be forgiven a little ego. Maybe even a lot of ego. You might even be forgiven a little disconnect with the real world and all of it’s problems. Surprisingly, pleasantly so, The Wire actor Chris Ashworth is about as down to earth and as humble as they come.

I honestly don’t remember how I was introduced to Chris, exactly. I know it was on Facebook over a year ago and I am fairly certain he contacted me over a political post ( what else?) and that we became “friends” shortly after. Later, we connected on Twitter, and we have kept in touch off and on since. I have always been impressed by just how interactive Chris is with both his personal Facebook account and his “page” for his fans. His Facebook posts are personal,encouraging, and honest. He chats with his real life friends and his fans on a level that leaves you with no doubt that he is genuinely interested.

During a recent conversation with Chris, he let me know that he has a new project in the works that he is extremely excited about. “Excited” is the word he used, but after talking with him about it for awhile, I began to think “called to do” was more along the lines of what he meant. Chris is a devout Christian, a Conservative, and I now realize that he believes that he is in a place to use his career as a way to reach out, to give a louder voice to the problems that we all face and the issues that we are all struggling with today. It’s admirable, and humbling, to listen to his passion when he talks about the opportunity he sees before him.

Chris was gracious enough to call in to my show not too long ago and talk with me about his career, his personal values, his faith and his new project. If you have a few moments, give the show a listen here and take heart that there is some honesty, integrity, grateful and humble left in Hollywood. Chris is what my family calls “good people”, and his excitement for his new project is contagious. He loves God, his country and his family and friends, and he is happy to tell anyone. You can find his fan page on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. Ask him about his in-the-works MMA related project, because he would love to tell you more and tell you more about why he is doing it.

Chris is the kind of integrity I want present to balance out the prevelant on television and in the movies. He is the kind of guy I want my entertainment money going to, and his new endeavor is the kind of thing I can personally understand and support. If you are so inclined, you can help get his new project off the ground. Send him a little Christmas gift via Paypal, if you can help out, to ChrisAshworthMMASponsors@Gmail.com .. and I guarantee that the gratitude you get back from him personally will be heartfelt, genuine and not forgotten.

Michelle Ray (twitter: @GaltsGirl)

Michelle Ray is the host of In Deep on CDN Radio, Social Media Director for Conservative Daily News, and can be found on Twitter as @GaltsGirl

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