Tonight on the Dark Side w/Kira Davis

Tonight, December 4th 2011
Will this be the last night we ever devote to Herman Cain? Does America have Cain Fatigue? Where will Cain’s votes go? Will this cursed, wretched, rot-gut process we call election season ever come to an end? Also, your feel-good public school stories just in time for Christmas and I’ll make my totally accurate, completely scientific predictions for the upcoming week. Don’t miss it – 10 p.m. ET, 7 p.m. Pacific. BYOC – Bring Your Own Cookies.
Inquiring minds want to know. Where is the OUTCRY from The BLACK Organizations for the bringing down of Herman Cain? If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around does it make a noise?
We need to hear from you Black leaders!
Black leaders have an answer to this… “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around does it make a noise?”
Of course it does, but only if it smashes uncle tom’s cabin.
Good Answer! MAX