
Liberals To Pull GOP 2012 Ads.

I am writing to respectfully demand that Congress stop the FCC’s new carriage order.

On Monday, the FCC released a new carriage order that could give Obama control over what you see on TV! A new scheme by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) could sell-off broadband spectrum that only local stations currently use. The air space would be bought up by cellular cartels like Verizon and Google. That means – religious and political broadcasters would be axed! A total of at least 210 stations would be forced off the air.

Unfortunately, this is only the beginning. If the Obama/FCC power grab is successful, they will likely move to take over the RADIO! Imagine…if Obama could get conservatives like Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingram off the air there would be no one to question his dictatorship! The only talk radio shows that would exist would be radical programs like NPR and uber-liberal mouthpieces like Al Sharpton!

Did you know the goals of the FCC/Obama free speech grab will…

  • Gag religious voices
  • Kill small businesses and entrepreneurs
  • Elimination of free TV
  • Choke political dissent
  • Destroy all avenues of free speech
  • Give Obama control of the dissemination of information

I am urging you to act today to kill the FCC’s carriage order. Think about the magnitude of this problem for a minute. As you know, Obama’s re-election campaign is kicking into full gear. If he adds control over TV to his war chest, his chances of getting re-elected will increase dramatically. We don’t have any time to waste.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. This is cencership plain and simple and America should be screeming blood murder about this. The Obama White House is behind this. When will the people see Obama is Anti-Constitution, Anti-Freedom, Anti-American and trying to destroy what is left of the American way of life. Wake up America, it’s almost to late.

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