In The News

Prosperity or Poverty?

The state of North Dakota currently boasts of a current rate of 3.2% unemployment. ( as of July 2011) It is adding billions of dollars to the states “Legacy Fund” which can not be touched until the year 2017, when the accrued interest will be made available to spend unlike the irresponsible states that spend the money years before it is accrued, mainly through budgetary gimmickry.

They are looking to hire an additional 18,000 people for jobs today.

North Dakota is investing in an infrastructure overhaul to repair, replace and upgrade schools and roadways to the tune of a whopping $1.2 billion dollars. Public schools will also receive $340 million dollars in the next two years, while the state will also pump up the disaster relief fund and lower property taxes.

Welcome to North Dakota, the boom-town of the new millennium.

Are the massive infrastructure spending projects, the improvements to the schools, and the state’s future financial security being paid for by taxing the successful businessman and entrepreneurs, as President Obama and the Liberal Democrats are demanding today? Not in North Dakota they aren’t. Is this massive increase in State revenues that is leading to prosperity and jobs for all the citizens of North Dakota due to big government meddling and the oppressive regulations coming from the unelected radical appointees of the EPA? Not even close. As a matter of fact, the current resurgence in increased state revenues that are benefiting all of North Dakota’s citizens are happening despite the overbearing regulations being imposed on America by the EPA. The wonderful increase in North Dakota’s economy and state revenues is in fact, due to one thing and only one thing: Oil production.

If the EPA is allowed to continue unchecked by the United States Congress in passing laws posing as new regulations such as they did with the cross-state pollution farce, North Dakota’s booming economy could come to a screeching halt in no time flat. The thousands of jobs, the new schools and roadways, the billions of dollars being put into the Legacy Fund, and the increased prosperity of North Dakota could disappear at the snap of a finger! It could disappear under the weight of the EPA and environmental terrorists posing as lawmakers, through their current attempts to stop the process of what is known as fracking, which is when they use hydraulic fracturing techniques to extract shale oil. This is what happens when radical political appointees are permitted to create laws that have not been approved by the only legislative branch of the U.S. Government, the U.S. Congress.

We the people need to apply extreme pressure to our elected officials in Congress, and demand the EPA be reigned in from passing unconstitutional laws onto the people through fiat, or under the guise of “new rules and regulations.” The time is now to stop the EPA before the wonderful prosperity we see in North Dakota today disappears under a cloud of EPA-regulated dust.



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One Comment

  1. There’s one part you missed – all of this prosperity in North Dakota is also providing a lot of oil for the rest of us as well.

    It’s amazing that no one in D.C. can learn from this example.

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