Syndicated NewsWhite House Watch

Biden Believes ‘Progress Was Made’ Towards Framework on Taxes and Spending

A White House spokesperson said Monday that President Biden believes weekend meetings brought Democrats closer to passing his multi-trillion-dollar taxation and spending agenda, but that a deal is far from done.

Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that after weekend meetings with Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), Biden “felt that progress was made toward moving closer to an agreed framework” and that talks will continue for “days and weeks.”

Jean-Pierre also mentioned that the administration has a range of other policies at their disposal to force taxpayers to fund their agenda indicating that Manchin was not on board with the approaches pitched so far.

“As you know, we can always raise revenue thru a range of tax fairness proposals,” she told reporters. She then listed the 15% global minimum tax, higher corporate rates, and going after tax cheats as possible revenue sources.

The Biden administration previously floated two unpopular and nonsensical approaches to clawing taxpayer funds from working families. First, they sought to force banks to report any citizen’s bank account with $600 in annual inflows or outflows. When that raised the ire of voters, they began floating a tax on money that hadn’t even been made yet – the so-called “unrealized capital gains tax”.

Manchin positions himself as a West Virginia Democrat, not a Washington liberal. Progressives hitting out at him over his objections to Biden’s massive spending spree have publicly proven that point to his constituents and served only to embolden him.

“When progressives put a target on Manchin’s back, they put more votes for him in the ballot box come reelection. They give him an even better reason not to cede ground on a bill so strongly supported by progressive Democrats and a certain democratic socialist.

If the goal in negotiating with Manchin is to coax him into accepting as much of the original Build Back Better package as possible, why try so hard to alienate him?”

The Deputy Press Secretary’s comments today make it clear that Manchin is still opposed to some parts of the Biden bill and it remains to be seen whether a deal can be made before Biden travels to Europe later this week.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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