BAZAM! Outta the ballpark AGAIN Tony! Ginsberg is just as corrupt as Obama is and she should be fired! Neither one of them care about our Constitution or for the people that it is supposed to protect from the very Marxism that they’re trying destroy it with. Excellent toon Tony! This is getting shared big time!
Thank you Corkie!! Thanks for all you do to help the cause.
Historically, around the world, the left has always ignored constitutions and laws that were inconvenient for them. So this should not be a surprise, except to liberals that don’t want to hear the truth.
BAZAM! Outta the ballpark AGAIN Tony! Ginsberg is just as corrupt as Obama is and she should be fired! Neither one of them care about our Constitution or for the people that it is supposed to protect from the very Marxism that they’re trying destroy it with. Excellent toon Tony! This is getting shared big time!
Thank you Corkie!! Thanks for all you do to help the cause.
Historically, around the world, the left has always ignored constitutions and laws that were inconvenient for them. So this should not be a surprise, except to liberals that don’t want to hear the truth.
Great point Bob