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Media Matters, Rush Limbaugh, and the Delusional Left-Wing

Media Matters for America has had a hard-on to nail Rush Limbaugh to the wall for years now. Since they have taken some degree of credit for the departure of Glenn Beck from FoxNews network, they’ve been riding high on their perceived accomplishments. So when the whole Sandra Fluke affair came on the scene, they leaped into action.

Annoy Rush - MMFA
ginnerobot (CC)

Contrary to what the MMFA minions might try to say, this was definitely on the back-burner for a long time now. The stickers pictured here were photographed in 2009 in Pittsburgh, PA, according to the photographer’s notes on Flickr. Sorry, but investing in stickers is a sign that an organization either already has definitive plans to deal with a given issue, or is at least in the process of making them. Then there are the claims by the folks on Twitter that are supporting this campaign to put Limbaugh out of business that they are not employed by MMFA. Yes, they probably aren’t being paid to smear not only Limbaugh, but also his advertisers. However, they are doing precisely what MMFA wants them to do.

Jeffrey Lord, former Reagan White House political director, explores the concept of left-wing tactics against Limbaugh exhaustively here. Primary to this sort of campaign working is the recruitment of “true-believers” that will carry out what the organizers want with little or no support or direction from above. So, while these campaigners might like to believe that they are not working on behalf of MMFA, they are – inadvertently at least. Lord explores the similarities between this campaign, and previous ones from socialist ideology. Of course the MMFA troops on the ground are ridiculing his contentions, presumably because they don’t even realize that they are essentially puppets for the left-wing media organization.

But don’t be lulled into thinking that this is a harmless exercise because it is being carried out by puppets. The harm that they are causing is very real. It has moved beyond simply asking advertisers not to continue supporting Limbaugh, to rather high levels of intimidation. The following video is an interview with Mark Stevens, CEO of MSCO, a marketing firm in Rye Brook, NY. Stevens contends that the left-wing campaigners against Limbaugh have gone too far, and crossed line between protesting and terrorism.

I’ve already pointed out the poisonous rhetoric seen from the left here where it’s being vented against Rick Santorum’s daughters, and here against me personally. But in the case of Limbaugh, one only needs to Google “Kill Rush Limbaugh” to see many examples of calls to violence. In the case of advertisers, however, it’s gotten to the point where anti-Limbaugh campaigners are posting phone numbers online, encouraging fellow followers to call businesses of all shapes and sizes to stop advertising.
Left-wing economic stimulus
In case anyone missed it, the economy is still not in the best shape. Small businesses have been considered the most likely candidates to pull us out of our problems. So what does the left-wing do? Of course, they engage in a virulent campaign against small business owners over a radio personality. If it stuck to just words on a screen or on the phone, it would be fine. However, as Stevens pointed out, it has taken a more dangerous turn, to the point where protesters are invading the privacy and safety of business owners. And the only sin that these businesses committed was that they recognized that their potential client pool listens to the Rush Limbaugh show. The protesters causing all of this trouble probably would never use the services of any of these small, local advertisers, and they are contacting these businesses from other states. Complaining to businesses that one would actually use is one thing, but this is something else entirely.

But other than forcing Limbaugh off the air, what could MMFA’s agenda in this really be? Well, we need look no further than the radio industry wonks for that answer.

RBR-TVBR observation: We have to wonder if all of this is actually just plain ol’ politics. We’re heading toward the presidential election and Rush’s focus has been taken off his usual ball, onto his own crisis. Limbaugh has a lot of impact on elections. The less he says against Obama and the more he says on defending himself just diminishes the sway he has with listeners, specifically independent voters. Yes, he sure did a terrible thing, but are Media Matters’ efforts really all about him at this point or affecting the influence he has with voters? Remember, George Soros gave Media Matters a $1 million donation last year. Looks like we know where at least some of that money is going. Look, Media Matters serves a good purpose as a media watchdog, but it seems to be going a bit beyond its charter lately.

So, while it might be tempting to engage the left-wing on this one, perhaps the best advice is to essentially let it slide. Do vocally and financially support the advertisers that haven’t left the show. Do write to Limbaugh with questions and topics that will get him back on the ball when it comes to Obama. Do encourage businesses that suffer from intimidation from the left-wing to take the same route Stevens has, and refuse to back down. Don’t condescend to even communicate with the MMFA minions. Just keep an eye on them, to keep up with their shenanigans.

Liz Harrison (twitter: @GoldwaterGal)

Liz is a mostly-retired veteran political campaign worker, wife, mom, opinionated gal, fiscal conservative, anti-social-conservative, atheist, and foreign affairs/Mid-East politics junkie.

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