While many Americans are cutting back on household budgets to put $4.00 a gallon gasoline in their vehicles to get back and forth to work, a couple of Obama-appointed government employees have been caught jet-setting to Paris and Tokyo recently. Just like Obama claiming that his current taxpayer-funded reelection campaign blitz and fundraisers are “policy speeches,” when the news about these lavish jet-setters taxpayer-funded trips to Tokyo and Paris reaches the American public, they can expect numerous phony excuses as to why they are supposedly on “official business.” Rob Bluey, of Hot Air.com outed these two taxpayer-abusing, elitist jet-setters as follows:
While many Americans were filling up their tanks with $4 gasoline this week, Energy Secretary Steven Chu was enjoying Major League Baseball’s opening game on a taxpayer-funded trip to Tokyo. Taxpayers were also footing the bill for Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson to spend a few days in Paris.
Chu was outed by The Washington Gaurdian’s John Soloman when he discovered a picture sent by Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s official taxpayer-funded twitter account of a baseball game in Tokyo Japan. Meanwhile, Lisa Jackson, she of this EPA-fame, was in Paris France, to “meet with environmental leaders from more than 40 nations to discuss the Agency’s international efforts on urban sustainability.” Global government, when coupled with so-called urban sustainability and climate change fear-mongering propaganda, are basic anti-capitalistic stealth forms of Socialism, which is dependent on the Marxist principles of wealth redistribution through the overthrowing of established governments to enact social justice fraud.
Lisa Jackson, the lifelong global warming political activist fits right in with the urban sustainability pimps of Europe, which by the way, is in the middle of the worst economic crisis in modern history. All of these anti-capitalist mandates coming out of these types of U/N European Socialistic programs are dependent on one thing for survival: The blatant theft of American wealth to be “redistributed” to the less productive societies of the world through dishonest fear-mongering from globalists and environmental terrorists posing as green-earth saviors. Thus the Obama administration uses taxpayer dollars to fund Jackson’s lavish Paris gig… to further undermine American sovereignty and take away her freedom that has made American freedom the envy of the world for centuries.
Do Americans really want four more years of watching Obama-appointees fly around the world to promote the injection of these types of freedom-robbing European Socialism here in America? When Americans go to the polls in November they have a simple choice: Either vote for American freedom and prosperity through voting for proven conservative politicians, or vote for Obama and the Democrat’s poverty-inducing European Socialism-style insolvency. The choice is that simple.
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