
The Equality and Fairness Doctrine. Is it Racist?

The left in America has pushed this Equality and Fairness doctrine for decades believing that it is needed in America because America is inherently a racist nation.  One belief by Liberals is that employers or the bourgeoisie are naturally racist against those of “color.”  When someone goes in for a job interview, and there are multiple applicants to that same position, an employer makes a decision on who is best qualified for that position based on the applicants abilities.  If all of the applicants have the same abilities, then the employer uses the interview as the deciding factor.  Liberals in America tend to insinuate that employers higher less individuals based on the color of their skin, than on their ability. This might happen in a extremely small percentage of cases in this great nation.  However, that said, for Liberals to force employers to employ individuals based on the color of their skin regardless of their skill, is a terrible idea for both the employee and employer.  Why? You are creating an entitlement mentality in the person who is being employed. In turn, they will believe that they deserve certain privileges in life based on the color of their skin.  That alone is contradictory to what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted in American society.  Dr King, wanted people to be judged by the content of their character and NOT the color of their skin.  This is not lost to the American Left.  The left does not care about fairness or equality in the terms that most Americans understand it, period.  It is about power and control only.  If the left cared about individuals succeeding in America. They would  would support the Constitution and the rule of law, where everyone has an “equal” chance based on hard work, and merit, not the color of their skin.

     Going back to what I was saying about being bad for the employer that is forced to higher someone who may not be qualified for a job, yet has to take that individual on as an employee because of some arbitrary quota. Let us say, for instance, that this person does not have the proper skill set to perform the task at hand.  If person A(has blue skin color) works for an employer that produces widgets and has green skin, notices that person A is not performing the task that is required. The “bourgeoisie” then has to take time away from his work schedule to try and speak with person A about their bad job performance.  Now, person B(green skin) may face a lawsuit, because person A was given this job based on the color of his/her skin color.  So now the employee will feel entitled to this job, when individuals are given special considerations over another person or group of individuals who can actually perform the task at hand, it creates an entitlement mentality.  So now, the “bourgeoisie” or the employer is unable to fire person A because of their terrible job performance.  Person B is forced to either continue to employee Person A who cannot perform the tasks that are needed, or find another position that Person A can handle, thus creating another problem that could bring about a lawsuit.  If Person B tells Person A that his skill set is not up to par with the standards of the business or the other employees, Person A will consider it to be a “colorist,” statement,  not a racist one, because we are all the same race, proven by procreation.  So now, enter groups like ACLU, NAACP, any group willing to rocket themselves to the center of a problem that was based on the very laws that were forced on the country in the first place, under the guise of “fairness” and “equality.”  How is it fair to employ someone based on the color of their skin and not merit?  What happens if they quit and try to get another job, and cannot, because they have no actual set of skills to perform at higher job levels?  This creates a perpetual problem that no one in this country is really addressing. When conservatives do try and address the underlying issue, Liberals throw the race card around, because they cannot defend their own policies that actually add to any racism in America.  When you constantly tell a certain group of individuals that they are entitled to something, base on how they look, they finally believe it.  Then the problem of racism continues and does not get better.  Which brings me to a few individuals who help perpetuate the problem of “fairness” and “equality.”

     When we become a nation of men and not laws, we enter into situations as I just finished explaining.  President Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, all call for “fairness” and “equality” on the basis of white versus color , rich versus poor, Liberal versus Conservative, and yet none of these arguments are based on merit.  If you have worked hard and earned a good living for yourself, based on merit and the free market system, then it was because of all those other people that you accomplished what you now have.  So now, you must pay more in return for your hard work, to benefit the collective.  If they really wanted equality, why cannot I have fifteen minutes of air time on Al Sharpton’s XM radio show?  Why cannot I not sit in the Oval Office?  The reason being, is, I am not qualified for those positions, not because of my skin color, but because I do not have the proper skills to fill those positions.  I have not worked hard and earned those positions based on the merit of my hard work.  When did those ideas get flushed down the drain?  Why has this culture of dependency and Liberalism taken over such a great nation.  Look at the differences between America now and fifty years ago.  The difference is more people worked hard for what they have.  Now a large portion of America works harder to get what they did not earn.  Why? Liberalism is a parasite on American Tradition, it is a culture of “emotion,” and “collectivism.”  No where in the Left Wing Parties ideals is it based on the merit of the individual.  They draw their ideas from the ten pillars of communism.  If they had any original thoughts, America would not be able to compare so much of their rhetoric to the fallen Soviet Union.

     The past few months in this country have been ridiculous to watch.  So many leaders of the Black Community, on the left of course, are saying that asking an “individual” for their identification card to vote is racist.  Why would they say this?

     One: It is about power and control over the minds of democratic voters, period.

     Two: When Conservatives try to bring this topic up and ask for evidence to prove that this would actually suppress the vote of the black community.  They(leftists or Communists) just continue to throw out the race card and race bait.  They cannot and do not ever offer evidence on how it would actually suppress the vote of minorities.

     Three: The left cannot win elections on merit or hard work, or even rational thought.  They have to use deceit and fraudulent tactics to win elections in today’s society. Even find a way to bring back the dead to vote for them.

     Four: If there was a way for us to validate those who vote, liberals would not be able to use organizations like ACORN to bus voters around the country to different polling stations to vote multiple times to win elections for them.  At the end of the day, America has to make a choice.  If you apply common sense to anything the communists on the left say, it falls flat at your feet.  However, if you want to live off of other peoples dime and hard work, then the left is for you.  If you believe America is racist, oppressive, arrogant, greedy, the Progressive/Liberal/Marxist Party is for you.

On the other hand, IF you believe America was based on the merit of the individual, the content of someone’s character, and NOT the color of their skin. If you embrace economic freedom, liberty, private property rights, voting laws that make sense, true equal opportunity.  Then welcome to the world of Conservatism.


Dan Colby (@dpcolby)

I am a United States Army Veteran. Conservative Warrior. Christian. Student. I love America, Capitalism. I am also sick and tired of the Progressive/Left destroying America and her traditions. It is time we stand up and take the fight to them. #WAR I will not sit down any longer. I will not be silent, I refuse to sit by and watch these radicals destroy everything that I love. The fight is on. Let us begin with the ability to fight lies with reason.

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