
The Left’s War on Families

Thanks to liberal Democrat Hilary Rosen’s vicious attack on Ann Romney claiming that she has never had a “real job”, the conservative base of the GOP is now united in one front to destroy liberalism. Ann Romney, mother of 5 boys and a survivor of multiple sclerosis and breast cancer, is a testament to the many mothers who sacrificed careers and opportunities to make the selfless service of putting their families first.

This goes beyond attacking the wife of a presidential candidate. This is a vile attack on conservative women nationwide. According to the logic of the left, if you choose to raise a child instead of aborting one, you are less of a woman. We have seen countless, vicious and character attacks on women of conservative ideology. Sarah Palin, for example, was criticized and scorned by the liberal left for raising a child with Down syndrome while pursuing her career. Black conservative women are CONSTANTLY being targeted for their belief in the pro-life movement, small government and for their opposition to President Obama’s policies.

President Obama wants to vocalize his support for women, but the facts say otherwise. Women employees at the White House make 18 percent less of the median salary as do male employees. According to Amy Sullivan of TIME Magazine, the Obama administration is described as a “boy’s club” and suggested that the president has a woman problem. It is reported that senior women staffers are seen and not heard during policy meetings.

I am outraged and furious that the left what to attack women instead of having a constructive dialogue about the core issues affecting Americans today. The REAL war on women is the economic plight that they are experiencing due to big government spending, high unemployment rate, a raking deficit and a President who is opposed to job creation that will benefit many women in the U.S. today.

Stay-at-home moms are usually the ones who are responsible for the economic accountability of their family. There is something that Ann Romney and many other SAHMs have done that puts Obama and Senate Democrats in unfamiliar territory: monitor a BUDGET. The attack on SAHMs is meaningless. They are some of the most hardworking people in America.

I am proud to say that I am a beneficiary of a productive stay-at-home mom. I will forever be in debt to my mom countless hours raising me as a child. She did more than cook and prepare meals. She home-schooled me for a period of time, cleaned and washed dirty laundry, was a mode of transportation for me when I was without a vehicle, provided spiritual guidance, and sacrificed career opportunities so that I was raised in a good home and was provided with a great and balanced family structure.

The left’s war on women affects the family as a whole. It is indeed the demonizing of the motherly figure, the husband that supports her and the children that have grown to admire her. This war must be stopped and the best way to put it to a cease is at the ballot box in November.

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