1001 Reasons to Vote Against Barack Obama – Part VI

  1. As the New York Times reported, President Obama has a “kill list” that he personally oversees.
  2. According to a Foreign Policy tally, the current president ordered a total of 239 drone strikes as of March 1, 2012. At that point in time, it was more than four times the 44 strikes George W. Bush authorized in his two terms.
  3. As an affiliate of the Guardian pointed out, 535 of the 828 civilians killed by U.S. drone strikes since 2004 happened under Obama.
  4. By way of an FOIA disclosure, the TSA has been issuing permits to law enforcement agencies across the country to employ drones that spy on Americans.
  5. As the mendacious “Politifact” concedes, the Patriot Act that Obama renewed contained no provision for additional oversight over warrantless wiretapping.
  6. In fact, the same entry admits that the Patriot Act versions passed under Obama contain literally no reforms to speak of whatsoever.
  7. The TSA has also been embroiled in a number of scandals; including the use of naked body scanners and intrusive pat downs that have caused frequent complaints of sexual harassment by everyone from little old ladies to small children. Thievery, incompetence, and insulting, intrusive behavior reigns in Obama’s TSA.
  8. Some nations where Obama has deployed drone strikes are not even officially at war with the United States, such as Pakistan and Yemen.
  9. The president recently snubbed Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari over a host of issues, including a U.S. air strike that killed two dozen Pakistani soldiers.
  10. The Obama administration negotiated with the bloodthirsty Taliban in a move that would transfer five “Gitmo” detainees to a Qatari prison. Senator McCain disclosed that the deal would involve nothing gained more than a statement issued by the Taliban.
  11. The president has negotiated exactly zero free trade agreements while in office.
  12. President Obama once listed the issuance of Purple Hearts for military members shot by the Muslim terrorist Major Hassan at Fort Hood as an objection to a bill that could warrant a veto.
  13. As of June 2011, the current president was the most “veto-shy” of any president since James Garfield, who was in office more than 130 years ago.
  14. The president averages one veto for every 435 days. The presidential average is about once every 20 days.
  15. An online list bragging about Obama’s “accomplishments” cites that he was “successful” passing 96.7% of all bills his first year in office. Essentially, one of his accomplishments is having a rubber-stamp Congress that passed a slew of new laws and regulations.
  16. In the first three years of the Obama administration, the government imposed nearly four times the major regulations (those imposing a burden of $100 million or more to implement) on the American public than the first three years of the Bush administration.
  17. Those regulations have been estimated to impose a regulatory burden of nearly six times the equivalent period of the Bush administration.
  18. In January 2011, President Obama issued a “get-tough” executive order on overregulation.
  19. As a Heritage Foundation analysis shows, the administration passed 32 major regulations since that time, imposing a one-time fee of $6.6 billion on taxpayers, and an additional $10 billion annually.
  20. The best the list lauding Obama’s “fiscal responsibility” accomplishments could come up with was the formation of more government commissions and the appointment of more bureaucrats to office. (Needless to say, these actions cannot be shown to have had any real effect in practice.)
  21. The list did cite the slashing of defense by $43 billion, leaving $662 billion to fund the same military whose responsibilities Obama has expanded.
  22. The president also planned to cut our troop levels by a half-million.
  23. The Chinese army is the world’s largest at approximately 2.8 million strong. As of January 2012, the total manpower of the U.S. armed forces was 1.45 million. This would thus be a cut of nearly 33%.
  24. By 2020, the interest payments on the national debt will be larger than the U.S. military budget.
  25. These interest payments are slated to comprise about one-fifth of the federal budget.
  26. As author Mark Steyn points out, the interest on the national debt will directly finance the entire Chinese army by 2015.
  27. Admiral Mike Mullen said in September 2011 that debt is the biggest threat to national security.
  28. The new force posture would emphasize drones and cyber warfare over manpower.
  29. Although one needs to know the background and context of the infamous DHS “right-wing extremist” memo to appreciate its significance, it nonetheless slurs conservatives, patriots, and veterans as potential terrorists without any serious attempt at specificity or context in the broader “war on terror.”
  30. By the time of the Occupy protests on May Day 2012, the fizzling “movement” had led to over 5,000 arrests and had caused nearly $30 million in damages. The numerous, widespread, and robust tea party rallies themselves have been cited as responsible for exactly zero arrests.
  31. While millions of Americans organized “Patriot Day” to memorialize the dead of the September 11th attacks, the Obama campaign arm Organizing for America remarked the following in an email dispatch: “All 50 States are coordinating in this – as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.”
  32. President Obama’s selected vice president Joe Biden once alluded to tea party Republicans as being like terrorists. “They have acted like terrorists,” he said.
  33. Obama once claimed that the Republican Party was “holding the recovery hostage.” As pointed out above, the president passed nearly all of the initiatives he desired in his first two years in office.
  34. The 2010 mid-term elections, in some ways a referendum on the president’s policies, were abysmal for the Democrat Party at every level. The Republicans picked up a whopping 63 seats in the House, 5 in the Senate, and 6 governorships.
  35. The losses were the most for either major party since 1938.
  36. Although the world’s pre-eminent superpower spends the most on defense overall in total capital, it ranks tenth in the world in this category as a percentage of GDP at 4.7%.
  37. The U.S.’ projected defense spending as a percentage of GDP is slated to be 3.0% in 2019. The historic average in this country is 5.3%.
  38. The U.S. is already estimated to spend 23.4% of GDP on net social expenditures.
  39. This ranks it in this category at #11 in the world, just behind the Netherlands. The highest in the world is Sweden at 30.6% of GDP.
  40. As a percentage of the federal budget, healthcare costs alone are projected to be up in FY2012 to 24%, surpassing defense spending at 23%.
  41. An insurance executive testified to Congress that Obamacare mandates have bent the cost curve up and not down, increasing costs for clients by between 2% and 3% on average.
  42. The federal budget projection for FY 2013 shows the percentages combined of healthcare, pensions, and welfare to be 58% of the slated $3.7 trillion in spending. (See the USA Today article showing real government spending dwarfs official figures.)
  43. Real median household income is down $4,300 since President Obama took office.
  44. $2,900 of this decline occurred during the so called “recovery” since January 2009.
  45. Although Obama blamed the middle class decline of the last decade on his predecessor, real media household income went down only $2,000 under President Bush.
  46. According to Bloomberg, 95% of net jobs lost during the recession were middle-skilled jobs.
  47. In addition, 3.2 million fewer Americans hold office and sales jobs now than 5 years ago.
  48. There are 1.2 million fewer jobs in transportation than five years ago.
  49. Unemployment has been officially above 8% for a record-breaking 39 straight months.
  50. Although there is no statistically significant correlation worldwide between income disparity and median per capita income, the top 1% of income earners received 93% of per capita real income gains in 2010. (Obviously, much of these gains were not honestly attained in a free market.)
  51. Just 19% of registered voters say the president’s policies benefit the middle class, while 25% say they favor the rich. (Ideally, the government should favor neither.)
  52. President Obama, a member of the so-called “1%,” has between 500,000 and $1,000,000 in JP Morgan Chase, a bank that received billions in taxpayer bailouts.
  53. Trading losses incurred by JP Morgan recently was projected to surpass $7 billion.
  54. JP Morgan had close ties with and was a major creditor of MF Global, a financial firm that used customer accounts to cover margin calls.  MF Global is currently about $1.6 billion short on its accounts. No one has been charged with any wrongdoing, including former MF Global CEO and former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine.
  55. One man protecting Jon Corzine from potential charges is Jamie Dimon, the head of JP Morgan Chase, who is a close friend of Barack Obama’s  who works on Wall Street.
  56. As the Eurozone is flailing with average 11% unemployment, and Spain is following Greece into the economic abyss, Obama’s Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has pressured European banks to buy up increasing amounts of government debt. There is no evidence that this maneuver would solve the root problem of government spending and economic production imbalances, as opposed to worsening them through neglect.
  57. The proportion of Americans in their prime working years or 25-54 is just 75.7%, the lowest in twenty three years.
  58. The Misery Index for Barack Obama has gone up 2.57 points since he took office. A combination of (official) unemployment and inflation, it is a gross measure of the mood of the country.
  59. Obama has averaged 10.78 on the Misery Index during his term. For context, George W. Bush’s averaged 8.11, although he ended at 7.39.
  60. At a 2012 press conference, President Obama stated that the business that private equity firms do was just fine, only what Mitt Romney did at Bain Capital was wrong.
  61. The president also stated that Mitt Romney’s private sector experience was not appropriate for someone in the White House. As reported: “There may be value for that kind of experience, but it’s not in the White House,” Obama said.
  62. Showing a complete and utter disconnect on how a capitalist economy works, he said that Romney’s goal was creating wealth for himself and not others. Needless to say, the goal is irrelevant. When one seeks to make money “for himself” in a capitalist economy, one must produce goods and services that are demanded, hire others for labor and pay them wages, etc.
  63. The lack of private sector experience in the Obama cabinet is astonishingly low. At just around 8%, it is far less than any other president’s since 1900. The second lowest was John F. Kennedy’s cabinet at about 28% with some private sector experience.
  64. Despite the implosion of the “green” jobs-heavy Spanish economy, the president is doubling down on his disastrous green energy projects.
  65. Evergreen Energy received $5.3 million in “stimulus” funds and subsequently went bankrupt.
  66. In Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s state of Nevada, Amonix Inc. received $5.9 million in “stimulus” funds and laid off 200 employees after only seven months of operation.
  67. Car battery manufacturer Ener1 Electric received a $118.5 million grant and filed for bankruptcy three years later.
  68. Just one of Obama’s bundlers is the wife of a businessman who received a $1.2 billion loan guarantee from the Department of Energy to manufacture solar panels. The business, NRG, reported a first quarter 2012 loss of $206 million.
  69. Obama distributed $50 million through NASA for commercial space flight projects. Obviously, this is not an appropriate use of taxpayer money.
  70. The Obama-influenced National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) blocked Boeing from opening a plant in South Carolina, a right-to-work state. Boeing was going to spend a billion dollars and planned to hire for 1,000 jobs.
  71. The NLRB’s general counsel then bullied Boeing not to “litigate this case in the media and public arena.”
  72. The NLRB also passed new regulations to make unionization easier. A Heritage Foundation analysis shows, logically enough, that the NLRB rules “harm workers” and stymie job creation.
  73. Nine in ten non-union workers agree. Union membership in America still fell to a post-World War II low of 11.8% in 2011. Private sector union members dialed in at a paltry 6.9%, the lowest since FDR.
  74. Speaking of bullying, the President once gave a self-serving thirty minute address on Cartoon Network to children on the subject of bullying, apparently aiming to couch himself as a champion of victims and to direct children towards authority figures.
  75. After a child in North Carolina stated that according to Obama’s own autobiography Dreams from My Father he had bullied a girl while in school, the fanatically partisan teacher launched into a tirade and threatened the student for daring to criticize the president.
  76. In May 2012, the president gave a speech at a high school commencement in Joplin, Missouri, where a tornado had recently obliterated the town. Obama spared no opportunity to preach his class warfare rhetoric and to rail against greed.
  77. Barack Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Dolores Huerta, an avowed member of the Democrat Socialists of America, and a close friend of Hugo Chavez.
  78. A document uncovered shows Obama headlined a speech to the Chicago chapter of the Democrat Socialists of America in 1996, when he was a candidate for state senate.
  79. Obama recently stressed to a meeting of Jewish leaders that “he probably knows more about Judaism than any other president.”
  80. President Barack Obama issued a proclamation in celebration of Jewish Heritage Month that lauded Nazi supporter Gertrude Stein.
  81.  He also dismissed the notion that he is not fully behind Israel, because “all his friends in Chicago were Jewish.” Of course, this is not just a slight exaggeration.
  82. Attorney General Eric Holder, among others, arranged to brief black pastors on how they can campaign for Obama.
  83. Obama’s first girlfriend, an Australian named Genevieve Cook, was recently discovered. She asserts that he was ‘always the central character in his letters in a self-conscious way, with variations on the theme of his search for purpose and self-identity.’
  84. An expert on narcissism, psychiatrist Dr. Sam Vaknin, has made the case that Obama is a malignant narcissist. Dr. Charles Krauthammer, a psychiatrist himself, said, “has there ever been a presidential nominee with a wider gap between his estimation of himself and the sum total of his achievements?” Obama’s ostensible penning of two autobiographies by the age of 45 seems to confirm this estimation.
  85. A Politico analysis exposed Obama’s constant abuse of the word “unprecedented.”
  86. Despite his feigned posture of selflessness, the president pronouncedly uses the word “I” in his speeches. One New Hampshire speech, for example, shows that he used it 45 times.
  87. In that same speech, Obama claims that, “And we know that if we truly want to have long-term economic growth in this country, then we need to start addressing the struggles middle-class families have been grappling with for years, long before this recession ever hit.”
  88. Love letters to his first girlfriend show Obama was an author who penned a florid sludge of self-absorbed gobbledygook.
  89. Obama’s “New York” girlfriend from Dreams from My Father was not real; she was a “composite girlfriend.”
  90. While running on the Republicans’ imaginary “War on Women,” Obama brought along alleged wife-abuser Senator Sherrod Brown.
  91. A poll shows that just three in ten women believe that a “War on Women,” or a large scale effort to limit reproductive choices, exists. This suggests that the Obama campaign contrived the narrative out of whole cloth.
  92. A comparison of SAT scores between George W. Bush and the transferring class of Barack Obama has led to grounded speculation that Bush likely had a higher SAT score than Barack Obama.
  93. President Obama’s 2010 State of the Union address rated at an eight grade reading level, one of the lowest in recent times. This is two grades below George W. Bush’s average on the Flesch-Kincaid score, and Obama’s track record is about the historical average.
  94. Obama served as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chicago, where he was honorarily called “professor.” Regardless of all qualifications in the carefully couched university statement, he was not a tenured or full-time Professor, whether Assistant, Associate, Full or Emeritus.
  95. A comparison of jobs under presidencies stretching back to 1948 shows that the so-called “recovery” under Obama is the weakest and follows upon a steep drop in job levels.
  96. While Obama was campaigning for Senator of Illinois, he denied that he would immediately use the office as a stepping stone to even higher office. Obama officially announces his campaign for president on February 10, 2007.
  97. In January 2005, he forms a mysterious political pact called HopeFund, whose contributors include Warren Buffett and Bain Capital. (?)
  98. Apparently a big fan of the Occupy movement, President Obama will receive the nomination for the 2012 Democrat Party ticket at, of all places, Bank of America stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina.
  99. In mid-2012, Obama implored to the Democrat Party faithful to give him “five more years.”
  100. When President Obama took office in 2009, he said that he “will be held accountable.” He added that  he would turn around the failing American economy within his first term and get the country back on track. Obama concluded, “If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

This is the sixth in a ten part series. Continued here


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